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Apparently Yuri's business today is going to be pretty.

Good thing is she have no interest on whoever those pretty Chaewon's talking about. Besides she's not gay, that's what she always remind herself.

As she made it on the other door. A man in black suit is guarding the door, built to fight anyone more than anything.

But when Yuri said what's her business to the guard, the guard let her in and opened the door.

And when she enter, it's another hallway, not something she would expect.

The walls here are more than thick than the first hallway she went before meeting the guard.

All of the music from outside the room are can't be heard no matter how loud the music is, she felt like she was trapped on a soundproof place or it felt like she's wearing a noise canceling headphones.

Finally the last door at the end.

Yuri pushed it open, there she saw girls wearing elegant dress, and sparkling Jewelry that blind's someone's eyes.

Even the room was pure of sparkles, it's full of feminine design and Yuri didn't expect that a room like this, exist inside a club.

Looking around the girls, Yuri saw 4 women wearing a sparkling gold arm sleeves as if they were princesses and queens.

There were exactly four of them and all of them are pretty.

But the time Yuri finished scanning each person around specially the 4 girls, a disappointment smile crept up to her lips, she frowned when none of them are looking.

They're definitely not Yuri's type to define someone as pretty.

She wondered how could Chaewon say they're pretty, if she and Yuri herself, are pretty enough to defeat and compared to them.

" That must be our merchant! "

One of them said in a loud voice while pointing at Yuri's direction making the other girls to divert their gazes at Yuri.

Yuri nodded her head a few times while giving them a smile.

She then approach the 4 girls and reach out for a box on her pocket.

" Here is your box " She handed to one of them.

A box that contains a small expensive sparkling container of a wine, though that's not the reason why She and Chaewon came here.

If you thought delivering such a small box like that is their business then you're wrong.

" Thankyou so much " One of them said while admiring the sparkling container of the wine inside the small box.

" Would you like to care for a drink ? " Some of them asked.

Yuri nodded her head even if it's a rhetorical question.

They guided her, while holding onto her shoulders and forced her to sit on the couch.

" You drink wine ? " They asked her and Yuri quietly nodded her while waiting for something to happen.

They take a sit beside the spaces where Yuri's sitting at while one of them motioned the rest of the girls to leave the room.

She watched them place the box on the table and grab a squeeze dropper before squeezing it amongst the bottle wines and half filled glasses.

Yuri was in the middle, while the four around her take turns to drink the wine where they drop something that were granted from Yuri.

And now that it's Yuri's turn to drink the wine. She wait for a second on what will be the effect for them before she'll drink it.

And with just a blink, they were drunk.

None of them are speaking properly anymore, they probably can't even say or speak a perfect word or sentence in their heads.

They just drank a one glass but why are they so drunk with that.

They're suspicious but decided to just shake it off thinking that maybe the wine they ask for someone to give them have a high percentage.

Yuri smile and drop the wine where they put something.

She pour the liquid back to the wine bottle and pour a new drink on her glass, so she won't be like them.

Then She waited.

The sounds of them drunk talking, and laughing have finally disappeared because how could they do that again ? If in just a minute. They were all dead.

" Always remember that Wine could kill you, ungrateful bitches "

Yuri smile and got up from the couch.

That was an easy finish for her, Now she and Chaewon only need to wait for the money to come, from the person who ordered both of them to kill those 4 girls after stealing her own Jewelry.

Good thing is they're just humans like her because if not, and if they're like Chaewon then Yuri will be the one who's dead by now.

Leaving the room.

Yuri walk back to the hallway where she came from and when she was about to open the second door.

She grab a pocket knife on her pocket before opening the door, and when the door open. The guard who's in there are no longer alive before Yuri could do something.

" What took you long enough ? " She heard a familiar voice behind her.

Yuri sigh and put her pocket knife back at her pocket and face the vampire behind her.

" Didn't I tell you not to appear anywhere " She scolded the vampire again.

Chaewon raised both of her hands in defeat. " What else we can do, Im a Vampire It's natural for me to appear out of nowhere "

" Whatever, let's just leave before someone sees us " Yuri hop on the guards body then started walking, Chaewon did the same and followed Yuri from behind.

It was Chaewon who killed the man, well she's getting bored for waiting at Yuri for a years before she leave that room so she deciding to have fun and play at the guard who have no idea that, that fun and play will bring him to death.


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