Chapter Twenty-Six

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The sound of cars filled my ears, prompting me to open my eyes

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The sound of cars filled my ears, prompting me to open my eyes. I blinked away the rest of the sleep from my eyes and rolled onto my back. I stared at the ceiling and quickly remembered what had happened last night. I looked to the side but found it empty then sighed as I began to get flashes of everything that happened last night.

Calvin had made me reach a point I've never met before and it left me wanting more even though I had passed out afterward. That man was sinful and I wondered what more would happen as we progressed. I sat up and hissed at the heavy feeling between my legs. It was almost as if I could still feel him licking me up.

Speaking of Calvin, where could he be? Could it be that he left for the convention already or some meeting? I knew the convention was later this afternoon but I didn't know the time. I shifted toward the nightstand outside the curtain and parted the material. I spotted a folded paper and a credit card. I took it and smiled.

Good morning, sleepyhead. I left to meet some important investors. When you wake up, take my card and go shopping and buy something to eat. You already know my pin.
... C.L

I bit my bottom lip at how sweet he sounded. It made me blush and when I realized what I was doing, I patted my cheek.

"What am I doing? This is my boss... That is touching me in ways a boss shouldn't but still, I have to remind myself that I cannot fall for something he does. Argh, get your head back to reality," I said to myself and got out of bed.

I stretched and hissed when I felt a hot sensation on my thighs. I bent my head and spread my leg, only for my eyes to widen at the five hickeys on my thigh. I stood straight, shocked at Calvin's handiwork.

"Why did he do this though?" I asked and took a step forward but hissed at the mild pain. "If I feel this way about his hickeys and licks, what will happen when we finally do the deed?"

I got a flash of Calvin and I under the sheets but immediately forced the image out of my head.



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