Heroes vs Villain Training

Start from the beginning


Katsuki shut his own mouth when he realized he almost lost face Infront of such a large crowd.

"Kacchan... You can't scream right now-"
Izuku whispered.

"Shut up Deku, you're lucky we're Infront of all those nobles"
He hissed in a whisper.

"Can we just work together for once..."
Izuku groaned as he glanced at his father who had been staring inquisitively at the two.

"Stupid Deku, you'll follow my lead and that's the end of it"

Izuku pinched the bridge of his nose, "I may or may not use my presence so-"

"I don't care what you do..!? Your presence isn't even strong enough anyways!"

"It's a warning, Kacchan"

"You?! Warning me!?"

Katsuki gritted his teeth as he held back from screaming at poor Izuku.

"It's because you haven't felt my presence in well over a couple years..."

"I don't care!"

"Now that you've all found your partners I'll be announcing what teams face off against eachother by drawing 2 letters from this basket"
Aizawa stuck his hand inside and pulled out 2 teams.

"Team A vs team D!
Please make your way to your labeled starting point in the building."
Aizawa stated.

Izuku walked over, Katsuki forcefully took lead in the walk even though he should've been walking behind Izuku.

There was a point in the building labeled "heroes" and another labeled "villains"

They walked over to their side and sat in wait for the starting bell.

Aizawa instructed.

Katsuki immediately dumped out the boxes he saw around him.
In the boxes he found 2 safety Imbueing swords and ropes.

Izuku took one and a rope as Katsuki blasted away with the sword he had grabbed.
"Wait there's 1 more box"
Izuku walked over to the box and opened it up with the swing of the sword.

Inside was a quirk crystal.

They were rare, used to amplify/ absorb quirk abilities especially on a sword.
Most Imbueing swords had traces of the ore within it, it's what allowed for the Imbueing to work to a certain degree.

Quirk crystals (inspo, Mana crystals) could be found in caves and underground like other ores.

No one knows exactly why they form, but everyone knows that they got their name specifically because they help quirks.

"This is useless for me. I can't even activate my quirk"
Izuku thought to himself.
In the past, Inko had brought him an assortment of quirk crystals to see if any of them could help but it was useless.

"I'll give it to Kacchan"
Izuku ran out and caught his brother in a stand still with the other team.

It was difficult to get a move on them because kirishima was like a strong shield and Sero was perfect for offense.

"Took you long enough Deku!" Katsuki hissed as he glared at him.

He handed Katsuki the quirk crystal.

Katsuki looked down at the ore and grinned, "HAHA! HELL YEAH"
He held onto it tight with his sword and felt his quirk amplify in strength.

While kirishima and Sero watched in fear, Izuku took the chance to attack.

He charged at them, holding the weak sword in close stance.
Kirishima braced himself as he held out the sword in guard position.

He thought he was going to lock swords with Izuku but at the last second Izuku changed positions and directly swung the sword as Kirishima's side.

It was a liver shot.

He heaved as he held his side, weak to the knees.
It was quite a strong jolt.

Sero tried to charge at Izuku but Katsuki jumped right in, he took him down in an instant. Katsuki also ended up breaking the sword while at it, it couldn't handle the immense power pouring into it.

Katsuki grinned as he dropped the handle.

The quirk crystal had been small but did it's job, it vaporized immediately after however.

Kirishima ended up throwing up in the corner, his entire system had been shocked. It's been a while since he took a direct shot like that.

Sero on the other hand was just laid flat on the ground, the explosive power of Katsuki's explosions was enough to leave him in a confused daze.

"...so how do we show that we've won?"
Izuku asked aloud.


"I suppose that works... Let's tie them up first so we aren't called amateurs."

"You're the only amateur here"
Katsuki scoffed as Izuku put the 2 back to back and tied them up.

"You drag them out. I'm getting a head start"
Katsuki began his walk out.

Izuku sighed as he pulled the 2 along, they weren't that heavy but it was a hassle that he didn't feel like going through.

"Heroes win!"
Aizawa announced as Izuku walked out after Katsuki, holding the villains.

The class clapped proudly for their classmates, they had been able to watch the entire fight through a special quirk.

Camera footage had yet to be developed, however they were lucky enough that they had powers that could do what cameras couldn't.

"That was amazing!"

"Yeah! Great job!"

"As expected of the royal family!"

Izuku felt the edge of his lips tug a bit, a part of him was happy to finally be getting some praise.
But Katsuki had been absorbing every last but of it...

It could only fade into the depths of his mind, to be a memory to think back on during the night.

A memory only reminding him that his accomplishments will only go to his brother...
His brother that hardly did anything.

It wasn't fair...

Izuku hated it with a passion.

But his jealousy still got in the way.

He knew his brother wasn't entirely at fault for how he came out or how he wanted the throne.

He knew it had to do with how he was brought up by his father who for some unknown reason favored Katsuki much more.

But despite knowing all this, Izuku couldn't help but feel typical human emotions.

"...show off. Can't you just let me be happy for myself for once?

If it weren't for me showing up, you'd still be in that stand still not knowing what to do.

Egotistical jerk, just you wait..."

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