17. Pleasing A Storm

Start from the beginning

Bellona nodded.

She closed her eyes and took slow, deep breaths, listening to the sound of her own blood rushing through her ears. The feeling of the soft wind brushing against her cheeks, the black ground underneath her.

"That's good", Nyx's voice quiet amongst her clearance. "Now I want you to concentrate on the veil you have over you magic and slowly take it off."

Bellona ventured through to the part of her she had concealed for years. But she couldn't find it. Even after all these years she didn't think it would be this hard to find the central thing she was born with. She ground her teeth and pushed harder. Pushed to find any trace of the power she had masterfully locked away.
She was about to give up and tell Nyx that it was just another waste of time when she felt a pull. It was like she had entered another part of herself that she didn't knew existed.
She had lost all senses that connected her to the world around her. It was if something else entirely had taken over her, the harder she pulled to get out the more she sought her power. Until she found it.

Found the darkness inside her oozing out of her tightly locked box like black tar, the thing inside rotten after years of underuse. The once quiet melody that accompanied the pull turning to a crescendo against her straining mind as she let go and swam to the surface of her mind.

On the outside, the light blue sky receded as grey clouds rolled in, a tinge of purple seeping through. Spears of light started to fall to the ground, the crackling of thunder making an appearance as well.

"Reign it in!", Nyx yelled.

"What does it look like I'm doing?", she screamed back, feeling as if the magic that coursed through her veins burned them as well.

"It looks like your trying to bloody electrocute me", he gasped peeling his burnt shirt fragments away from his skin.

"Just stop! For mother's sake, just stop for once second", she yelled. "That wasn't me. I mean it was me but... it felt as if there was something else in there pulling me down until I had no other option but to drown in what they showed me".

It was only the second time Bellona had seen him speechless. His posture tight until he exhaled, bringing his head up to look at her again.
The mask that she hated so much present again on his face. The one where he wouldn't let her see what he was thinking. "I shouldn't even have bothered", she thought to herself.

She brushed the stray hairs away from her face in annoyance, "do you know what Archeron? I shouldn't even bother trying to explain myself to you. Your poor brain already has enough trouble trying to keep you alive it doesn't need any complex problems interfering with that". Bellona snapped back at his calmness.

He did not move.
Did not answer back until, "how about we make a deal?, he asked crossing his arms.
"What will happen if I don't keep my end of it?"
"Both yourself and everyone you've ever loved will die a most painful death", he answered in a mocking voice.
"You are so full of shit", she rolled her eyes, "but anyways let's hear it then".
"Let's make a promise that we'll say at least one nice thing to each other a day".
She blinked, "you're kidding... right? We're not twelve".
He shrugged, "or we can just go back to hating each other's guts and see absolutely no progress in these lessons".

Even though she thought it ridiculous, she took his calloused hand and shook it. Realising too late the customs that accompanied her Illyrian companion. The customs that meant bargains come with a binding tattoo, not a moment later there was a burning sensation along the inside of her right forearm.

Already dreading the fight with her mother she knew would accompany the mark, she pulled back her sleeve. A fine line crown sat proud giving way to three mountains with what she could only guess was a quote from a foreign tongue woven through the crevices between them.

"It's ... stunning", she whispered.

"You seem surprised?"

"Anything on me looks stunning, so no I'm not.
She traced it again as she looked back at him, "may I see yours?"
He slipped off his shirt and started to search for his ink. Bellona couldn't help but appreciate the view in front of her. He might be an arsehole but at least he's easy on the eyes, she thought. That thought was interrupted when he started to unlace his black pants. "Uh hold up bud", she said confused.

Amused he looked at her, "I can't find it up top, so that means it must be down there somewhere".
She sighed, "just because we've decided to be nice to each other doesn't mean that you need to take your pants off. I'm not that keen to see it".
"Who knew you to be so prim and proper, your court holds a yearly celebratory orgy".
She glared at him.

He put his hands up in mock innocence, "too far, ok". The wind started to pick up again as the leaves rustled amongst the clover.
"We better get back", he said reaching out his hand for her to take.

As she stepped forward she remembered why her tattoo had seemed so familiar. She had seen the mountain plastered all over the Night Court, with history deeming it the most sacred mountain.

"Okay, it's just..."

"Just what?" Nyx questioned.

"It's Ramiel... I have a symbol of the Night Court forever etched onto my body".

The last thing she saw was the confliction in Nyx's eyes as they winnowed into nothing.


Will undergo editing at a later date

Hi everyone,
Sorry I've been so MIA for the past couple of months, God or who ever runs this show decided to give me a bit of character development.
I know this chapter isn't that great but I will be updating more regularly from here on out. I enjoy constructive criticism or suggestions so feel free to comment any scenes or ideas that you would like to see in the future.

Thank you for those who have decided to stick around this long xx

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