12. Drunk On The Moon

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The glimmering lights of the city seemed welcoming, but she knew that the city was far from safe, with danger lurking around every corner. She's finally coming down from her high; her adrenaline levels are dropping, her blood pressure normalizing, her breathing slowing. But she can still feel the electricity crackling in her veins. She can feel the power that she has just claimed in front of her rival court coursing through her body, making her feel strong, defiant, and alive.

Bellona stood on the bank of the river Sidra, her brunette hair swirling about her in the gentle breeze. She was naked and unashamed, and walked right into the cool water. The current caressed her body, and she closed her eyes, letting the water flow over her. She breathed deeply, and the scent of the water and the plants growing along the bank mingled with the sweet scents of the native flowers. The water ripples and shines in the moonlight, turning the sand on the riverbank into a vast expanse of soft yellow. The current twists and turns, carving up the landscape in the most mesmerizing way possible. It seemed like hours before sticks breaking a short distance away from her caught her attention. She turns and notices a handsome male watching her from the bank of the river, clutching a bundle in his hand. He smiles shyly at her, and before she can stop herself, she smiles back, intoxicated by the soothing water. 

He was a young male, probably in his early twenties, with a warm hazel eyes and a pleasant, youthful face. His skin was a tanned brown, indicating that he spent little time indoors. He had a slender build, and his shoulders were broad, his hair a dark brown, and it was long enough to be tied back into a ponytail. The top of his unlaced white shirt flapping in the wind as Bellona approached him. Only remembering her exposed state as the tips of his delicately pointed ears turned red in embarrassment. Curiosity overcame her rational thoughts of safety as she came to a stop in front of him a good metre away.

He tried not to lower his eyes below her shoulders as he reached out his hand. Bellona now realised the bundle he held was just a shirt and slacks. "I'm not a stalker or anything, my Nana would knock my on my arse if I tried to be", he laughed nervously. "I just wanted to bring you something to cover up with, it gets a bit chilly this time of year". Indeed it was, the nights now carrying a whisper of iciness and the leaves beginning the annual descent from their branches. 

"I'm glad you had to clarify that", Bellona chuckled, gently pulling the clothes from his outstretched hand.

"You walked past my shop, looking pretty upset. I thought to check up on you, to make sure everything was okay. You looked like you had been crying, and I wondered what happened. I wanted to ask you in, but I didn't want to intrude", he rambled on as Bellona pulled the clothes over herself. 

Twisting her hair into a braid she raised her eyebrows, "you honestly would make a terrible stalker." He blinked in mild offense. "I mean you've already established that you are some sort of business owner and have still have a Nana in the first minute that I've known you. So that basically means that potential enemies already have two pieces of information to utilize against you". Glancing over her shoulder she pointed towards one of the buildings overlooking the Sidra, "a tad bit of advice, little stalker... is a kill must be done so no other people can see you".  Abrin moved his gaze to where she was pointing, right towards an ageing but fierce postured woman... "let's go meet your Nana, shall we?" 

He could only follow as Bellona made her way up to his Nana's house, ducking over and under the many safety railings that lined the descent to the river. They were only a 100 meters away from their destination before Bellona hissed at him behind her hand,"oi, what's your last name?" Without questioning the fact she didn't even know his first name, he replied, "Syon". Flashing him a grin she placed both hands around her mouth and hollered, "Nana Syon, do you reckon I would be able to spend the night? I kinda got kicked out of my other place for the next little bit!" Bellona could feel the anger radiating off the older woman as she eventually made it to her. Apparently yelling at a stranger in the middle of the night and inviting yourself to stay over wasn't socially acceptable. 

Not even bothering to answer Bellona, the older woman turned to the young male beside her, no doubt questioning what the hell he was doing with a sopping wet Spring Court fae in the middle of the night. However, she must of seen something in his eyes as she softened, turning her gaze back to Bellona and opening the door, "we've got a room upstairs that's empty". Sighing at the delirious grin on Bellona's face she pulled her through the door, "come on now, you've already made a spectacle of yourself tonight. You need a good night's sleep and a big ole breakfast to sober you up". 

Before she knew it, Bellona had walked up a set of stairs, turned multiple corners and found herself in a small, but comfortable looking room. Without even looking back at her new buddy who was now leaning against the doorframe, she darted for the single bed that lay next to the left wall. Jumping on the white doona and snuggling like a child against the pillows. Exhausted, Bellona fell asleep, bathed in the moonlight seeping through the window. 


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Well... let's just say Bellona's a completely different person when she's had a few drinks. 

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