Be Perfect

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While things had stayed the same since you got here, they had also changed. Feitan was still cruel, both towards you and others. Though less so towards you occasionally. It was you that had fully changed. Feitan had been constant. Strict, authoritative, cruel, he was a walking nightmare. That aspect of him never faltered. There was always the idea of a threat lingering behind his words. But no, now you saw he may be cruel, but he did know some form of tenderness. After all, you learned the hard way after all this time. If he said jump, you asked how high? That was the way he liked it and the way that kept you intact.


He was home after his latest mission. Rushing towards him, seeing the bag he had in his hand. Bringing dinner home was not typical with him, then again, he only let you hold knives when he was around to supervise. Meaning you couldn't cook until he got home.


Feitan handed you the bag of food, expecting you to set everything up. You kissed him as a welcome home. Taking the bag and headed towards the kitchen. Setting the containers on the counter. Splitting everything onto two plates. Putting what he liked on his, and what you liked on yours. You two ate in peace, occasionally asking him how was work. A courtesy, he never told you much about his work unless he wanted to scare you. Today, he kept the details minimum. Meaning you had been good. Only letting you know his target is dead and suffered. You always strive to get him like this, get him to show you some ounce of pity. You two had come a long way since the beginning, well you had come a long way. According to him, you were finally trained.

You waited until he was done with dinner and took his plate. Cleaning up while he watched. His eyes were always on you, analyzing your every move. Feitan was never much of a talker unless giving directions or orders. Feitan was a man that let his actions talk for him.


You nodded at him, putting the last dish away.


Once again, you just did what he said. There was no use in fighting him. You had learned your lesson nice and clear after all this time. Getting up, you made your way to the bedroom, Feitan quick behind you. Laying yourself on the bed, you tried to relax. It was easier when you relaxed your body. He also seemed to like it more when you were like this. He became almost gentle, like a different Feitan. He looked down at you on the bed, staring at you while you shed your shirt. Then your pants, bra and underwear. Sitting on the bed completely naked. Looking at him, waiting for some more orders. It felt odd to be bare while he was fully dressed.

When he first took you months ago, you were a tough one. Or rather you thought you were. Compared to him, you were always this scared little thing. Something that needed to be tamed. You kicked, screamed, cursed at him. Did everything to get away from him, even attempting to run away. Feitan was tired of it. In the beginning, it was fun to watch you fight, to watch you get excited over having your freedom so close only to have him rip it away. But then you didn't relent and seemed to be unable to learn a lesson in this manner. So, he became stricter. Set rules and standards, and if you broke them. Then you would truly understand pain and fear. Eventually, you stopped. You listened, obeyed, and did whatever he wanted. A few times Feitan had managed to drag you to the basement where occasionally he brought work home. He would sit you in the corner and make you watch. All you did was sit quietly and curl up. Not leaving and not making any noise to distract him. It wasn't exactly what he wanted, but it was a long way from him tying you to the chair to watch. Even dragging the chair to be right beside the table. Forced to have your face right by the victims. Eventually, you learned to keep quiet and he'll show pity on you.

Feitan watched you with prying eyes as you sat on the bed naked. Waiting for any more orders from him. He was busy admiring how far you came, while you were a bit worried at his lack of action. The tension was growing on your end. The anticipation of waiting for him to speak, or do anything. But, he didn't. He only stared at you. The anxiety of waiting was getting to you. Why couldn't he just tell you what to do? It was like he was getting off on watching you squirm around and blush when you looked up at him. Knowing Feitan, he was.

You finally had enough. Looking up at him one more time, deciding that you should make the move. Undoing his pants slowly, still unsure if this was the right move. He made no move to stop you once his pants were undone. You realized this was what he wanted. Pulling his pants slightly down, along with his boxers. His dick sprang free. He was already hard, you were right. Slowly you began to stroke him. Moving your hand gently and slowly. Looking up at him only to meet his dead eyes. You still couldn't tell if he was enjoying himself after all this time. It wasn't until his hand came to rest on your head that you knew you made the right move.

Soon your lips met with his tip. Placing a gentle kiss on it, before taking it in your mouth. Starting off slow. His hand on your head began to grab at your hair. Slowly beginning to push your head down. It wasn't too difficult to take him fully. He was of average length, but what got you was his girth. That made things harder. Trying your best as he continued to push you down, relaxing your throat so you could.

"That's it."

It was simple, but Feitan was never a man of many words. He was trying to tell you to continue. To keep going because he was close. You were trying to stay as far down as you could while your tongue glided around his dick. Your attempts to get up to breathe were stopped. His hand kept you there while he began to thrust into your throat. He was getting close. Taking his release into his own hands now. Fucking into your face. It was hard to take, it hurt, but it would be over soon. At least this part was.


Feitan gave one last thrust before pushing your face all the way down. Keeping you there while he finished. His cum falling down your throat. It was bitter and salty. Once he released you, you tried to swallow it down. Knowing he expected you to swallow every last bit he gave you. Wiping your mouth, looking up at him and smiling. As if you needed to prove you liked this, liked what he just did. In some manner, you did like it a lot more than how cruel he could be. Liked him being sweet and gentle with you.

"Good girl."

Feitan beamed down at you, using his thumb to wipe a bit pooling at the corner of your mouth. He looked at you like you were a meal to devour. While you looked at him like he was a vengeful god and you were the sacrificial offering.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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