Sweaters Please

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It was best to ignore what Feitan did for a living, what he did for the troupe. It was ignorance to ignore the screams that echoed through your ears when he brought work home. But it was the easiest way to keep your sanity. Cover your ears and try to fall asleep. That was the best decision if you wanted to remain sane, remain as yourself.

It went like this for months, from the time he kidnapped you to now. It was rough the first bit, the screams of pain had almost driven you to madness. The loneliness you felt, as Feitan was rarely seen. He was usually home, but he tended to stay out of your sight the first few weeks. only making contact with you once a day casually, unless you had done something wrong. Was it to give you space to adjust? Was it so when he made himself visible you'd cling onto any human contact? Was it him attempting a torture technique, trying to drive you mad with the feeling of being watched? It didn't matter why he did what he did, by the time he made himself visible regularly you were lonely and desperate for some company. Something he took advantage of.

The two of you lived side by side, mainly as awkward roommates in the beginning. Trying to find a way to exist that didn't upset him. Taking on daily tasks that he asked while he simply watched. Watching as you cleaned, as you cooked, even as you enjoyed the few movies he had brought to you. It was all so strange, but you had come to realize there was no way out. No leaving him, no getting back to your old life. Feitan was your life now, he was your future now.

It wasn't a normal relationship, that was very clear with the threats you received when you upset him. Or the screams of his victims. The little consideration he gave you when you expressed the haunting the screams had on you. You were met with his glare and a sigh. Though a few days later you had noticed he had attempted to soundproof his workroom. As odd as it was to have any feelings towards your captor, this little act had changed things.

You became more welcoming to him, giving him smiles and thanking him for the strange gifts he sometimes brought. Letting him brush against you, rest his hand against yours when sitting near each other. You may have never acted first, but you never pushed him away either. Feitan wasn't overbearing. He sought short and small interactions.

Feitan tended to be more prone to physical touch when he had come back from a long mission. Missing you it seemed. It was nice as you had also missed some form of touch too. Usually, he wasn't gone for long, less than a month typically. Until now, Feitan had informed you that he was needed by the troupe. That he'd be gone for well over a month. When he had informed you about this, you were worried. Wondering if the food he left would even stay good for that long. Before you could bring up your concerns Feitan cut you off. "You're coming." That was a shock as he had always acted like you should never be involved in his work. Or even see exactly what he does. Would he want you to get involved? As you nodded at him, walking towards the couch you could only hope that your fears of why he was bringing you wouldn't be true.

The trip was long, luckily you travelled alone with Feitan instead of with the rest of the troupe. You couldn't imagine being surrounded by people like Feitan. People who also have no issue ending someone's life. These next few weeks you'd be surrounded by multiple murders, even he even let you near the troupe.

Lucky for you Feitan had placed you somewhere else away from the troupe, still close enough to watch you. But enough that you couldn't interact with them or see what they were planning. Unfortunate for you, it was cold in the building you were at. Cement walls and floors did little to keep you warm. Feitan had told you to pack some clothes, not specifying what type. But when you brought up the issue, he simply scoffed and stated he told you to bring warmer clothes. That you should of listened to him. Did he tell you? No, he didn't, you were sure of it, but when you questioned Feitan's word it only seemed to anger him. Instead, you apologized for not listening to him.

He brought you some warmer clothes. Though they seemed to help very little. Even the blankets he brought weren't keeping you completely warm. Laying in bed, all you could do was shiver. Feitan was laying next to you, attempting to sleep as well. Though instead of the cold keeping him up, it was your shivering. Feitan told you to stop. But it wasn't that simple, to just stop freezing to death. Before you could open your mouth and beg for some warmer layers. His hands were snaked around your waist only to be pulled towards his body. This was unusual. Feitan never seemed to seek full physical touch. Then again, why would he have taken you if not to fulfil some of his needs?

You were about to push against him when you felt how warm he was. How comforting he was against your body. So warm. The warmth you so desperately wanted and needed. All you could do was push up into his hold. To nuzzle against his neck and just suit to him. Yes, he was the person who stole you, who seemed to care very little about you. But right now, he was providing you something you so desperately needed. This was all fine for now. You could get used to this, maybe.

As you drifted off to sleep, Feitan couldn't help but let a smirk slip on his lips. He had wanted to do more than simply holding hands or brush against each other. Though, you never seemed to make a move on him. It angered him, but he knew you wouldn't respond better to anger. So here he was enjoying your touch while you enjoy his warmth. It was helpful that he tended to run warm. Also very helpful that he "forgot" to mention the temperature of this location.

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