Let The Past Rest

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It was always basements of some poor unfortunate families houses. Or abandoned buildings that looked like they were ready to fall down at any moment. Never staying in one place for long. It was always travelling from one place to another with Feitan. Never setting down roots anywhere. The closes you had to something permanent was sometimes Feitan would look for certain buildings that he knew you could like. Even if you were only allowed to go in a select amount of rooms. He even would try to return to certain places if they were away from people enough and you had mentioned you really liked those. It took a while to see, but moments like these made it clear that Feitan did care about you.

Today it was another abandoned building, one that you hadn't seen in years. You weren't given the luxury of admiring the building for long, Feitan had his hand on your lower back and began to push you in. It was dark, there was no electrical light. Any light was from the windows that were covered. "Stay here." He disappeared into another room only to return with candles he lit and placed around the room. As he kept leaving and reappearing setting things up in this room and others. You sat and waiting. Years ago you would have run. Tried to get away from your captor. But now, now you couldn't. Whether because of the number of times you had only to be brought back and punished by him. Or because of how he was now. He was kinder to you. Not overly, he still barked orders and rolled out punishments where he saw fair. Yet now when you looked at him you didn't see the horrifying monster that had taken you. Rather you still saw a monster, but a monster who took care of you when you behaved. Maybe that was it, maybe it was all for survival. It didn't matter now. Now, all that mattered was him. Was Feitan.

Feitan had returned to the room you were in. "Come." And you did. Following him through the hallways to a room far in the back. Feitan and lit candles so you could see where you stepped. It all seemed familiar, but you were still struggling to pinpoint when you had been here. Every crack, doorway, it just seemed like something big happened here. It was defiantly in the first year he had taken you. Because after that he had mainly tried to stay out of this area and keep you in abandoned houses rather than old factories. You were so rude then. Always fighting him and begging to be let go. What would you had even done if you got away? He had killed everyone you knew and loved. There was nothing to return to. All there was, was Feitan.

Finally, he stopped, moving to the side to allow you in the room first. The room had candles all along the walls. Lighting the room in a nice warm glow. Besides the dried blood on the walls and floors, it looks almost romantic. Then you saw it, a large metal bed frame. It look like it was barely standing, leaning to one side due to one of the legs being severely bent. You had been here. It wasn't just the odd familiarity that so many of Feitan's places hold. No, this place was special in a sense. It was the first place that he took you after he kidnapped you. That bed was where you had been tied to for weeks. Crying, begging for him to spare you. Only to be punished. Fingers broken, burn marks, fingers shoved down your throat. It hurt thinking about it. To remember how cruel he was before. You began to shake, the memories coming back no matter how hard you tried to forget them. "Why did we come back?" Was it a test of some sort? You thought you had been good. You listened, obeyed him. Did everything he wanted. Your feelings were genuine. You cared for him, you'd even say you love him. "I have work here. And though it'd be nice to make some new memories." His hand was on your shoulder trying to calm you. It would be nice to forget those times. To forget how selfish you were to him and how ruthless he was to you. Both of you had come so far. Those old memories should be forgotten. They were horrible and not about who you two were now. Turning towards him. "I'd like that my love." Planting a kiss on his cheek.

You couldn't see it, but under Feitan's mask, he was smiling. Knowing he had you just where he always wanted.

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