Please Be Mine

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Feitan wasn't one to show emotions, especially not ones he deemed as weak or pathetic. He truly believed that love or even caring about someone more than just a coworker was a sign of weakness. So when he met you and began feeling all these emotions, saying he was angry was an understatement. He blamed you for doing this to him, that it was your fault and you needed to pay. First, he needed to take you for himself until he could figure out what was going on. Unfortunately for you, the first couple of months of being with him was horrible. You could never satisfy him. You were either showing too much affection or not enough. Both result in physical torture. Though after those months he began to realize what these emotions were and why. He couldn't say he felt bad about what he'd done to you. No, he honestly enjoyed himself those months. Holding a blade against your skin, watching you tremble and look so scared of him. Such a beautiful sight, but he could certainly bring that feeling to other aspects of the relationship. You could fear him, but not hate him right?

The next few days he decided to avoid, making it clear you were to stay away from him. That he needed space to do some work for the troupe. You didn't question him, it never ended well when you did. He had instilled in you that his word was God, that he was always right and to never talk back. You were so good at being obedient. Maybe he could bring that into the bedroom. You did whatever he wanted, spreading your legs when asked without hesitation. He caught himself getting hard at that thought. But first, he would have to amend the wrongs he'd done. Or at least the wrongs you considered were done. To him everything was fine.

While he had his time from you he decided to use that time to question the other troupe members about relationships. What do people do in them? Gift ideas? How to apologize? How to get the other person to love you? Questions along those lines. Most members were confused at them but thought it better to answer instead of getting on Feitan's bad side. Uvogin suggested that the best way to get someone to love you was to show off, prove you can take care of them. Nobunaga said gifts of what the other person liked was a good way to spoil them and show them you were listening. The rest suggested flowers, chocolates, dates, typical relationships material. Well typical to them, confusing to Feitan. Is this all it took to get someone to love them? He could do that.

Feitan began to question you of what you liked, what you did before he took you, though if you were being honest it felt more like an interrogation than anything else. He learned your likes and dislikes, your old hobbies, the kind of flowers you liked. He was determined to learn it all. Though you seemed to be worried about his inquires. Why was he so interested? Was he going to use it against you? If you were honest, you were beginning to lose sleep over it.

The next few weeks Feitan began to bring you gifts, the flowers you liked, the chocolates from your favourite shop. Even bought you stuffies, ones that seemed to fit the descriptions of your childhood favourites. Was he actually listening to you? He even tried to tell you he cared for you, but it more came out that he'd be sorta upset if he killed you so don't give him a reason too. But with Feitan, that was probably as close as he would get to admitting his love for you.

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