How They Stalk You

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Just like Chrollo, you won't notice he's there when he's stalking. Though he prefers to stalk you more at night, in his opinion you deserve to get stalk for being the idiot you are walking around alone in the dark.He won't wait long, you're lucky if you get a month before he grabs you. In his opinion you're his from the moment he saw you. So why can't he just take you since you already belong to him?Feitan enjoys watching you sleep as well, but mostly because he wants to be able to fully enjoy your peaceful expression when you think you're safe. As he knows once he takes you, it'll be long gone. Especially with all the training and torture, you'll need.He will pleasure himself while you sleep, not all the time, but sometimes the sounds you make get him going. They're so different from the sounds of pain he's used to. So pretty and delicate. Don't be surprised when you wake up the next morning to find a new stain on your blanket near your face.Slowly your objects will go missing. That pen you love, gone. That sweater you wore all the time, disappeared before you got a chance to wash it. Then your underwear began to go missing.Once he decides that he's gonna take you in the next few days, he begins to care less about hiding his presence. Stealing more stuff, leaving more stains on your bed, if it's noticeable he'll begin to do just to watch you get worried when you wake up the next day.He likes to watch you catch on when you realize a bunch of your belongings are gone, more stains on your bed. The fear you seem to have. It's adorable. You don't know what real fear is. Wait until you wake up tomorrow somewhere that isn't your bed.

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