character ask answers!!!

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q : fav thing about michael?

a : i'm not sure i can chose just one. he has this beautiful mind, he's creative, he's ambitious. he's got these cute, rosy cheeks and bright emerald eyes. i'm not sure. 

q : will you try to make yours and michael's relationship work?

a : i want to, but somethings don't always work out. 

q : do you love michael?

a : i'm in love with him. 

q : are you and michael gonna get married or what?

a : i sure hope so. 

q : if you could have one super power for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

a : to shoot pasta out of my fingers. i'll never have to cook a meal ever again. 

q : when are you going to throw that ruler at ashton?

a : i doNT WANT TO HURT HIM, he's a lil ball of sunshine.

q : what made you want to be a TA/work in education?

a : i decided to be a TA because i wanted an excuse to stay in california with ashton. i wanted to work in education because i didn't want to be an undecided major forever. 

q : are you always a bottom?

a : yes


q : what does it feel like when you're with luke?

a : it feels like there is no harm in the world. it feels like the sun will continue to shine, and i will never die. he's the beauty in an ugly world. 

q : what's your favorite season?

a : i think winter, it gives me an excuse to dress like a bum. 

q : fav thing about luke's body and personality?

a : i love his eyes, i always talk about eyes. eyes are the only thing that will never change with age, so it's good he has such beautiful baby blue eyes. for his personality, i think his shyness it kind of cute. even though he steps out of his shell with me often, sometimes i'll still see peaks of the awkward blonde who can't order at restaurants or look the pizza guy in the eye. 

q : are you muke af?

a : captain of the sailing seas muke luxury cruise ship. 

q: what's your favorite song that you've written?

a : i think anyone in the art world would understand this, i don't like my music. musicians will listen to their pieces so many times that they'll begin to hate it. artists will stare at their work for so long that they'll want to burn it up. 


q : why do you keep denying being gay?

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