15. Counter-Proposal

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Sitting in the veiled part of the court, I kept fumbling with the hem of my dupatta. The court was filled with ministers of higher ranks and some unknown people who I guess are part of Nyrvig's convoy. Even though I was sure of what I had to do, I was nervous.  This was the decision of my life, only my life cause anything happens I am not going to be the cause of harm to my family again.

My mother was sitting next to me, covered in exquisite pieces of jewels and Saree made of the finest silks found across Aryavarta.   Her posture said the confidence inside her and she reeked of regality. Like a true queen that she is. 

"Maharaja Bhairav is entering." I heard the herald announce and all of us got up from our seats to pay respect to our king. My father entered the hall followed by my brothers. Their well-built bodies and muscles were highlighted by the fine ornaments and jewels that they wore. With quick and confident gaits, they moved towards their respective seats, a stoic expression on their faces throughout. I would have laughed at the similarity in their faces if I would have not been sitting in the royal court waiting for the time I would announce my most important decision.

"I, Maharaj Bhairav, thank you all that you spared your time and came to the upper court at such short notice." He started with him forever kind behavior. His voice was soft yet regal, the sign of a king. He did not need to shout at people for his commands to be executed. His regal voice was enough for that.

"I have called this assembly to welcome our esteemed guest, the heir to the crown of Shakya Pradesh, Rajkumar Nyrvig."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Nyrvig, Rajkumar Nyrvig, entered the court adorned with an ivory angvastram and pieces of gold jewelry adorning his well-sculpted body. He had a true warrior's body, even more, defined than that of my elder brothers. Broad shoulders, well-chiseled chest, and strong hands.  

All the ministers got up from their seats to greet him whereas my brothers and father nodded toward him. He was looking like a true prince belonging to the place, the royal court, unlike our previous encounter in the market. He did not belong there but here.

"Pranipat Maharaj!" He bowed in front of my father and greeted him. He was acting differently from his previous behavior. Was this the true face that I was looking for? I did not come to any conclusion as it would be stupid of me to make an image with just five minutes of observation.

I did not focus on his random talks with my father regarding the inconvenience in the spice markets. Of course, he had an excuse to come to the royal court. He did not just come and declare the proposal which I was glad for seeing his previous actions. But what got my attention were the next words that came out of his mouth.

"Maharaj, with your permission I would like to discuss something in private with you and your family."

The time has come.

My father was perplexed and thought for a moment before glancing toward my mother. Confusion was written on both of their faces and both were thinking about the reason behind such a strange request. After a brief eye contact with my mother, he announced the court to be dismissed and all the royal ministers to leave.

My nervousness was growing after each second. I was afraid of whether my plans would work or not. Sweat accumulated in my palms and feet but I maintained a stoic expression like all my brothers.

"Speak Rajkumar. What is the thing that you would like to discuss."

Nyrvig for a brief moment stayed silent before glancing towards the veiled portion where I was sitting and then towards my father. His stance showed confidence. He was prepared to keep the proposal. And I was prepared to accept it.

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