5. First Lesson

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The clang of swords resonated in the entire arena with the stench of sweat and blood permeating all directions of the place. Warriors brawled with one another with little to no mind regarding their surroundings and the whole place pumped up with vigor. Amidst all this, I stood in the corner beside my father who donned an indignant look on his visage. 

With little to say, he was reluctant for me to be associated with any of such grapples but he had no choice but to follow my whim. It was not like he didn't protest he did in fact deny the very moment I asked him to teach me but- thinking about the incident makes me smile now.

"You have to teach me sword fight." I said with affirmation. For a second there was complete utter silence before father collected himself.

"Repeat." He demanded as if he was in some sort of denial or perhaps daring me to repeat those syllables.

"Teach me how to wield a sword." I repeated nonchalantly, his anger this time was not going to change my decision. Like last lifetime- I shuddered remembering the helplessness that dawned upon me due to my lack of skills. It agonized me to remember how my family members were mercilessly slain forth my eyes just because I didn't know how to wield a weapon. In this lifetime, I aim to correct this lacking; in this lifetime I would strengthen myself regardless of what it takes- I would not be incapable.

"Absolutely not." His voice boomed and he turned around to leave.

"Pitashree," I whimpered, making him stop on his track. "Do you not love me like my brothers?"

A tear slithered down my cheek, eventually falling on my feet. There was utter silence and the only sound that prevailed was of soft winds shaking the branches of the garden outside. The birds chirped, portraying the weather's vivacity outside, but a storm loomed in the heart of my loved one; my father.

"Tomorrow morning, be there before sunrise." With this, my father exited the chamber leaving my brother baffled and me with a smirk on my face.

"You are one sly snake." My brother whispered before leaving the room in a dazed trance.

"Where is your attention?" The palm of my father slapped against my back, making me aware of my surroundings. The specks of dust flew everywhere as the soldiers wrestled with one another, having little care for cleanliness; this place would definitely be a hell hole for my mother considering the amount of grime present there.

"Nothing-" I answered. Moving closer to the arena, I spotted the wooden sword kept in the corner. Without waiting, I rushed to grab one but a slap on my head halted my steps. Looking behind, I saw my father with a grim expression, donning a line of disapproval marking his face.

"What do you think you are doing?" My father questioned me with a side-eye. "You don't get to wield any sword just yet-"

"I question you what are you doing?" The shrilled voice of my mother resounded in the arena, little to say further- she was pissed. Hiding behind the torso of my father, I took a glance at her face. Her nostrils were flaring and her brows were scrunched together while a scowl marred her visage.

"Darl- I mean Maharani, I am teaching our daughter sword fight." My father stuttered, all his valor and strictness flew away like a wisp of smoke.

"And why is that?" She questioned with her arms folded around herself, making faces at the amount of dust flowing everywhere. For a person like my mother who likes things proper and immaculate, this place was indeed a living hell yet she came here for me made my heart flutter just a bit.

"It was I, Mother, I forced father to teach me sword fight." I stepped forward despite knowing the effects associated with my action.

"Vija-" My mother was taken back at my bluntness but still managed to hold her ground. After much contemplation, she questioned further. "Why all of a sudden do you require to acquire this skill?"

'To avoid what future stores for us-' I thought but didn't dare to speak it out loud.

"I had a dream mother," I narrated the lie I planned from the beginning, "I saw the deaths of our entire clan and I-" My voice croaked while my lips wobbled with dread, "I was helpless. I don't want to be like that ever mother. Please let me learn sword fight so at least I could save you all if that ever happens." I replied in a meek voice. My past life was indeed something that brought out all the harrowing dreams one could think of. 

Closing my eyes I looked down, trying to run away from those thoughts, my entire body trembled with rage and... self-hate but I tried not to make it obvious. Unexpectedly, a pair of arms hugged me tightly, making me calm down. The soft smell of jasmine graced my senses, making me relax but the dread was still there.

"It's alright Putri," The serene voice of my mother crooned to my ears, it held no malice making me embrace her tighter. "You could learn this skill, as long as you promise to take care of yourself."

"I promise." I sniffled, still hugging her tight. My conscience for some reason was not ready to leave her, as if one moment apart would grasp her away from me.

"Good luck with your first lesson my child, I would be cheering for you." She mumbled near my ears as if parting some ancient secret of love to me. I nodded in anticipation and finally, my arms let her go, not fearing any demise furthermore.

Since that day, my mother always accompanied me to the training ground despite the repulsion she had for the place.

'Loving my family was indeed my first lesson.' I mused while carrying the heavy bag of wheat my father made me hold to strengthen my muscles.

'Second lesson was- my father is a devil of a trainer to make me do these work' 

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Pitashree- Father

Putri- daughter

Maharani- Queen

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