Crazy dads

774 26 2

TayNew - Gulf, KongArt - Saint, OffGun - Win.

ForthBeam - Zee, PhaYo - Mew, MingKit- Bright.


Saint, Gulf, and Win sit at their usual table during the lunch. Saint ask the 2 about their experience of coming with their dads. Win happily exclaims how his dad and mom send him off. His dad even gave him a few snacks while getting out of the car and then walked him to the class himself along with mom. The rest 2 feel happy for their brother who is having heart eyes while talking about his parents. Saint nudges Gulf and ask him about his feelings. Gulf sighs telling him that his dad tagged along with him and momma inside the school. He took a tour of the whole school to see if it was good enough for him to study. He even met the dean and his class teacher while sending him off to the class. Saint and Win laughs while Gulf has a small smile on his face. Win tell him that his dad is quite possessive and territorial as they saw acting in the lunch and during breakfast. The man was all over Gulf and New, not letting them go away from his sight for a second. 

Gulf finally chuckles hearing Win. He liked the way his father acted up all macho. He felt warm when his dad hugged him before letting him go to the class and even promised him to pick up at the end of the day. But still, talking to dean and the class teacher, or you can say indirectly threatening them to make sure his son is safe and sound in school was a little too much. Thanks to his momma who dragged his dad away with an apologetic smile. Gulf was amused when he saw his ever strong dad turning all pouty and sulky to his momma who dragged him. Gulf shakes his head remembering the sight and ask Saint about his day. Saint gives his adorable smile and tell them that his dad is the calm one, well at least that what he is most of the time. He also did the same as their uncle Tay and looked around the whole school and even met teachers. He was gentle and a calm personality till then. Win and Gulf look at Saint to continue the story while the latter smiles remembering the class events.

Saint tell them that his dad's aura changed from calm to scary when he entered my class. Even mom and I told him it is not necessary, but he said that he wants to see the classmates of his son and make sure no one cause trouble with him. The moment he entered the class, he looked at them all with his cold eyes as if trying to threaten them while me and mom just watched his antics. Saint tell them that he saw a few students shrink at his gaze while the rest 2 laugh. His dad met the teacher and told him that he was my dad and ask him to take care of his son. Though, it was said to the teacher, but was audible to every one in the class. The trio laughs while Saint shakes his head remembering how his mom stopped his dad from threatening the rest of his classmates and pulled him out of the class. Finally, they all feel happy and relaxed under their dad's presence and feel the uncomfortable feeling drifting away. 

On the other hand, Arthit, Gun, and New talk with each other over the video call during the lunch time. They also share their husband's antics and shake their head. Arthit laughs telling them how he had a hard time consoling Kong in the car while returning back from the school. He said that he had to drag him out forcefully as Kong was not ready to leave Saint alone saying that his baby is too sweet and might get bullied by the students. New tell the rest how his Tay tried to give a threat to the teacher and dean while talking to them while Gun say that his papi is thinking of shifting his work to the school. He said that he will set up his office in one of the rooms and handle his work from their as it would easy his mind thinking about Win. Arthit laughs while New shake his head. He is done with his hubby. Despite knowing that the trio studies in the same school just in different sections with kids of their age only, still their lovely partners act as if they are in a different universe far away from them. They continue ranting about their antics for the rest of the call. 

Meanwhile, Tay, Kong, and Off can't concentrate on their work. Tay calls the rest of the gang and ask if they all could have a short meetup in his office. He gets a positive reply from all except the crazy doc as they are busy with the shift. Tay calls his PA to cancel his meetings for the rest of the day while waiting for the gang. He knows it is a bit too fast, but still he doesn't want to delay it. He wants to bring his both babies home to him asap. He doesn't want to go back to an empty house, but to a home where his wifey and son are waiting for him. Though, he got both of them back, but still it is incomplete much to his dislike. He need to talk to his gang before he discuss it with New as he doesn't want to upset him with any of his stupid ideas. Just like him Off and Kong in their own offices are wishing to have a complete family just like the rest of their friends. They know its not a good idea to rush things, but they have already lost so many years and the further wait is killing them slowly. Even, there is some fear in their minds about loosing them again. 

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