Leaving to return

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TayNew - Gulf, KongArt - Saint, OffGun - Win.

ForthBeam - Zee, PhaYo - Mew, MingKit- Bright.


Things went on quite smoothly since the accident. Ja and First had a beach wedding with close family and friends. Gulf, Saint, and Win enjoyed the vacation to their fullest. Arthit, Gun, and New felt great seeing their kids all happy and also by meeting their friends. They also visited a few places in Thailand with the newlyweds and soon 2 weeks ended. Ja and First left for their honeymoon on the same day when the mothers and kids boarded their flight back to US. Kids felt gloomy leaving the place they enjoyed the most while the mothers were also sad to leave their hometown once again, but were thankful for no unexpected collision with the past. 

After reaching back home in the US, Arthit got busy with his projects, New with his restaurants, and Gun with his clothing line. Kids were cheerful as always and always talked about their Thailand vacation during their meals and wishing to go back in the next vacation. Mothers were fond of listening to all of this especially when Saint and Gulf would tease Win about Bright. The poor bunny would always turn into 50 shades of red and hide in momma Gun's embrace. 

After a month, New got an exiting yet scary offer. Seeing him spacing out repeatedly Gun couldn't help, but inquired the cause, which he just shrugged off. Later the same night, the trio was drinking wine after putting kids to sleep when Gun inquired about New's behavior again. New informed both of them about the offer. One of the hotel owners in Thailand who was also an old and trustworthy customer of New had offered him to take over his hotel and start his business in Thailand just like his other restaurants in various locations. That owner had no one to take over his hotel and did not want to sell it to just anyone, so he offered it to New knowing his capabilities and perfection. New had worked with him on various events in US. 

Arthit and Gun were very happy hearing all this, but could feel New's concern as well. New was not sure of relocating back to Thailand leaving his family, but knew that it would be a great opportunity for him. Gun took the initiative and placed a proposal of relocating back together as his business was mostly online, Arthit could talk to his boss to shift him in Thailand branch, and kids could be transferred to the school per their credits before the new semester. Knowing New's nature, Gun was sure that he would let you of this opportunity and won't choose anything above family, so he talked out about all of it. Arthit was also convinced as Gun's suggestion and decided to give it a shot as there is no reason to let this opportunity go especially not because of their past whose fear was somewhat resolved after a peaceful vacation there. New was convinced by his friends proposal and was sure that kids would also agree given their love for that place. 

With no time to waste, Arthit placed the request to his boss and New tried to complete his work with the restaurant, so that it can run smoothly with his absence just like other places. Gun, on the other hand, was busy looking for a perfect location for them to stay along with a school for kids and other necessities with the help of JaFirst who were beyond happy to hear the news. In the midst of 3 months, everything was ready and the kids were excited to shift to Thailand, but were more happy about the fact that they would be together as always. After finishing every last moment work, they were set to start a new life in Thailand. With a new ray of hope, they all left their home to build a new one in Thailand. 

Soon after their arrival, Arthit started working in the new branch efficiently, Gun was managing his online business as always, and New was doing his best in the hotel much to previous owner's expectations who had retired now and was enjoying life with his wife with all his savings. The kids started there school nearby their house instead of the main city as it was comforting per kids. The school might not be very big, but had all the advanced facilities placed for its students. 

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