Meet KongArt

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TayNew - Gulf, KongArt - Saint, OffGun - Win.

ForthBeam - Zee, PhaYo - Mew, MingKit- Bright.


Inside the house:

Kong stands in front of Arthit who was trying to leave earlier. Arthit avoid the questioning gaze of Kong and stays silent, so Kong just grabs his hand and take him to the sitting area. He motions Arthit to sit down while he kneels in front of him. He feels tearful seeing his lover after so many years. He questions him again and again that why he left him without a word. Arthit feels weak on seeing Kong's tears. He can not bear seeing his Kong in this state, so he pulls him to a tight hug. Kong feels the warmth and cries his heart out while Arthit also gets tearful feeling Kong in his embrace. They both cry for a while when Kong loosen the hug and question about Arthit's disappearance. Kong repeatedly pleads Arthit to speak while the other is busy sobbing. 

After a while Arthit composes himself and Kong informs him about his struggle. Kong remembers how they both went to a nearby bar on 1 of their weekends and got dead drunk. They all went to Knot's house later and slept wherever they found the place. Next morning, Arthit found himself sleeping next to his best friend Knot on his bed and at the same moment Kong with a severe headache walked in on them as he was looking for Arthit earlier. Arthit felt that his drunk ass has cheated on Kong with Knot while Kong was beyond shock seeing his lover sleeping next to his best friend. Before Knot could say anything or realize the whole situation, Kong raged on both of them and Arthit was deeply guilty for hurting Kong. Kong left the house in anger while Arthit blamed himself for everything and left without a word. His guilt was eating him alive and was unable to face Kong again, so after much thought he left the city without any notice to anyone. On the other side, after much begging Knot finally was able to meet Kong. He explained everything to Kong that nothing happened between them that night. Knot said that Kong was dead asleep in the hall while Arthit walked in the bedroom for sleep, so he just walked to Arthit to check if he is ok, but didn't realize when he felt asleep beside him. Reality hit him hard, when Kong realized that he acted impulsively and didn't try to clear the whole situation instead he made an imaginary scenario in his mind and hurt his Arthit. He ran to Arthit's dorm, but he was long gone. Since that day, he has been looking for Arthit crazily.

Kong cries hard and begs for an apology from Arthit while Arthit is shocked to know that he didn't cheat on his boyfriend ever. Realizing this, Arthit pulls him to a hug and both of them cry in each others hug. After a while, Kong calms a bit and ask Arthit about his disappearance. Arthit sobs and tell him that he left the city, but found about his pregnancy after a few weeks. After the checkup, he was much relieved that the baby was Kong's and not a result of that night. But, still he didn't have the courage to go back to Kong because he felt guilty for cheating. He decided to keep the baby and found out about the NGO. He tell Kong about his life in the NGO, finding 2 brothers who were pregnant like him, welcoming Saint to the world, moving to US, and becoming a successful worker. Kong, who heard everything, can not believe his ears and is unable to say anything. He tries to absorb the whole information in silence with constant tears in his eyes. Arthit just hug him silently and give him time to calm down. Kong starts apologizing again and again for his foolishness due to which Arthit had to live away from him and handle everything on his own. He regrets missing everything especially their Saint. While Arthit also apologies to him for leaving and keeping Saint away from him all these years.

They both cry for a while and then calm down. They both forgive each other for their past and wishes for a happy future together. Kong wants to waste no time to get Arthit and Saint back with him as he is scared to loose them again. On the other hand, Arthit is beyond happy to be with Kong, but is scared of Saint's reaction. He know his kid is mature and understanding, but still he is a kid and don't know how he will react to his dad and their relationship. Kong understands Arthit's concern and decides to talk with Saint as he can not wait to meet his own kid anymore. They both freshen up as they don't want their kid to seeing their crying faces. After a while they both walk out to the garden where Saint, but witness Tay hugging New and Gulf.

Saint notice his momma and goes to him while Kong is in tears seeing his kid standing in front of him. After a few moments, Tay loosen his hug and everyone's attention move to the new entry in the garden. Kong knows that everyone is confused about his sudden actions earlier and requests everyone to settle down, so that he can explain everything. Once settled, Arthit holds Saint close to him while Kong starts explaining everything. All this while Arthit only keeps an eye on Saint who is busy listening to everything. After Kong completes, everyone has a double shock on their face leaving them speechless. Saint also don't understand how to react seeing his dad all of a sudden. Arthit feels scared and hugs Saint asking for forgiveness while Kong feels scared of Saint's reaction. Saint hugs his momma and tries to console him saying that he is not mad about anything, but is shocked about all the information and need some time to process it. Arthit and Kong understand his point of view and decide to give him as much as time he wants. Kong just goes near Saint for a hug to which Saint also agrees, but doesn't say anything. Kong feels overjoyed and tearful seeing his baby in his warmth while Arthit and others are silently witnessing the scene. Also, KongArt also feels shocked on finding about TayNew after Kong loosen his hug with Saint. 

Suddenly, Kit says out loud that none of them ever expected such a shocking reunion. The lunch that was supposed to be for meeting Gun and Win turns out into a big revelation day. Tay and Kong walks toward OffGun and hug them because they won't be able to meet their long lost lovers if they didn't plan this lunch. Off feels way to happy that he could help his friends to reunite with their family while Gun is hugging New and Arthit for finally finding their other halves. Except the 3 new couples, everyone is in triple shock due to sudden outcomes, but soon cheer out loud for their friends finding their families. Everyone is busy adoring the 3 beautiful and shy kids while New, Arthit, and Gun start feeling warm and comfortable with others given their kind treatment and hospitality. 

After a few moments, Off calls out for everyone's attention and request them to head for lunch that practically got delayed. Everyone laughs out loud remembering the lunch (i.e. long forgotten) for which they came and heads to the dinning area. 

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