Correct hunch

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TayNew - Gulf, KongArt - Saint, OffGun - Win.

ForthBeam - Zee, PhaYo - Mew, MingKit- Bright.


In the morning, Gun wakes up early and admires the father son duo who apparently have same sleeping habits. He finishes his morning routine and heads to the kitchen where New is already making breakfast. Arthit has left for the office early due to some meeting while New notices Gun behind him and tease about his lover. Gun turns in to a blushing mess as soon as Off is mentioned while the father son duo just enter the dinning room with other kids for breakfast. At the breakfast, Off is busy feeding Gun while New has a teasing smile on his face. Even the kids are focusing on the couple who is behaving like newly weds. After much teasing and laughing breakfast is over. Off proposes the offer of taking Gun and Win home without any delay, but Win is not ready to move out away from his brothers. Gun understands this and ask Off for some time before making any decision, meanwhile, he can come and meet Win anytime he wants. Off agrees to it half heartedly, but understands the situation that it won't be easy for them to leave their current family in a day. He does not want to force anything on them, so he decides to give them their time, but is happy enough that his family is now close to him and won't disappear again. 

Off takes all the kids to their school while New and Gun leave for their work. Off returns back to his house when he notices that his phone has been bombarded by many messages and miss calls from his friends in their friend group. He reads how Kit and Pha had explained yesterday's situation on the group that led to series of questions from others. He knew that this would happen when he left Kit's office, but didn't notice much as he was busy with his family. He replies them that he has finally found his long lost lover and also has a kid. In a minute, there is a flood of messages and even call from his shocked friends. Everyone is busy inquiring the whole thing while Off just laughs at his friends antiques. Suddenly, he gets an idea, so he calls Gun and inquires if he would come and meet his friends because he wants to introduce everyone to his family. Gun feels happiness and excitement in Off's voice, so after much hesitation agrees to the plan, but for the weekend as others would be free as well. Off feels on cloud nine when Gun agrees to his plan and wastes no second to start the preparations. He decides to hold a small family lunch on Sunday and send invitations to his friends. Everyone is overjoyed and excited to finally meet Off's lover. While Gun informs Arthit and New who also agree to the plan for the sake of Gun's happiness. 

On Sunday, Tay, Kong, Forth, Yo, Ming, and the kids reach Off's mansion in the morning while the crazy doc gang is busy finishing their morning schedule at the hospital, so that they can reach for lunch on time. Given its a weekend, everyone went early in the morning to help their friend who apparently is going crazy with preparations to be perfect for his Gun and Win. While, the kids are excited to meet the Uncle Off's kid. Yo is helping with the preparations while others are busy teasing Off and inquiring about his family. Off shrugs everyone's questions and ask them to wait till the lunch. Forth and Kong are going crazy handling the kids while Tay and Ming are busy with their teasing. Around 12 pm, the crazy doc gang joins them and soon everyone is eagerly waiting for Gun's arrival while Off is busy pacing back and forth with repeated phone calls. Forth approaches him and ask him to calm down while others are busy giggling and teasing when Kit narrates the whole scene again. 

Soon, a car arrives in front of their house catching everyone's attention and Off runs to them. The door opens and Off hugs Gun the moment he step down. After a sudden cough from others Off loosen the hug and brings a tomato red Gun inside the house and Win is following them, but hides behind Gun seeing so many people staring them. Off introduces Gun and Win to everyone with a wide smile on his face. Tay and Kong are happy at the scene while Forth, Ming, and the crazy doc gang are stood frozen, whereas Mew, Zee, and especially Bright is looking for Win who is hiding behind Gun. Suddenly, everyone come back to reality and move their head towards Beam who loudly shouts about his hunch being correct. Off and Gun feel confused hearing this while Beam realize himself shout leading to many stares at him. Seeing the unsaid confusion, Forth explains about their meeting with Gun and Win at the hospital along with Beam's hunch about Gun. Hearing this, Off suddenly move towards his baby and protectively hugs him while other understand the whole situation and welcome Gun. They all settle down after a few moments and Off inquire about others. Gun informs that they will be here shortly as they were busy with some work.

Everyone bombarded Gun with many questions while Bright is busy adoring a shy Win. Zee offers to take Win to the garden along with Bright and Mew to which everyone agrees. The kids leave and OffGun explain everything to them slowly. Everyone is so elated to hear the lovers while crazy doc gang is surprised to hear about the male pregnancy as their kids are born via surrogacy. They were talking with each other and Gun also felt comfortable after a while with their friendly nature. Later, another car parks in front of the house and Gun mention that it might be his family. OffGun goes to receive them while they get out of the car. The kids hug Off while he greets them all. The moment they all enter the house a loud glass break is heard while 4 people are frozen at the spot. Gun approaches his brothers who are standing still looking in 2 different directions while Off approaches Tay who accidently threw his glass at the floor. Gulf and Saint feel awkward with their mommas behavior avoiding others eyes.

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