Unexpected reunions

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TayNew - Gulf, KongArt - Saint, OffGun - Win.

ForthBeam - Zee, PhaYo - Mew, MingKit- Bright.


The moment Tay notice New entering the house, the glass he was holding fell off unconsciously from his hand and New froze on noticing him. He shoots towards New and grabs him tightly while a river of tears flow from New's face. The minute Gulf notice his momma crying the over possessive kid pushes Tay away making him stumble and hugs his momma tightly. He starts sniffing seeing his momma crying while glare at Tay who has a shocked and confused expression on his face. New, who was standing still since the beginning comes out of the daze as soon as he hears Gulf's sniffing. He hugs him tightly, practically hiding him from others. Tay tries to approach him again while New just signal him to stop and tightens his hug on Gulf. He consoles his Gulf saying he is fine while avoiding Tay's questioning gaze.

On the other hand, one other couple is having somewhat the same moment. Kong who was busy chatting with Pha stood still the moment he sees Arthit entering the house. Arthit also straight away noticed Kong in the crowd and stood still. Kong tears up seeing him while Arthit feels that his soul left his body. Before he could compose himself, a pair of tight arms hold him while a sobbing Kong burst out loud. Arthit notice the concerning look of Saint and tries to push Kong away while Saint approaches him. Hearing Saint's name, Kong notices the kid standing behind him and give a questioning gaze to Arthit who is beyond confusion currently. Saint approaches his momma and ask his momma about Kong while Arthit is unable to form any words. 

Others standing in the room are extremely confused with sudden turn of events, but no one approaches to the 2 couples. Even OffGun give each other questioning look to inquire about the situation, but no one understands a thing. Soon, everyone comes back to reality while Pha suggests Yo and Beam to take the kids away, so the elders can talk while Off offers others to move to the garden in order to give the 2 couples some privacy. Everyone agrees to it and Yo tries to call out Gulf and Saint, but the kids are reluctant to leave. Even Beam is unable to take them especially a sobbing Gulf. Seeing this, momma Gun calls out his 2 kids who finally respond to him. He requests the kid to go with Yo and Beam to Win who is playing with others. Saint, being understanding holds Gulf and take him away from the site followed by Beam, Yo, and others. They have many questions in their mind, but everyone just silently pray for the 2 couples. 

Inside the house, Arthit and New look back and forth at each other while avoiding the questioning gazes on them; whereas, Kong and Tay are having a marathon in their mind. New and Arthit wants to leave the place ASAP and turns around to walk away. Tay sees his New walking away and looses his patience. He approaches New, grabs him tightly, and takes him to one of the rooms in the house while Kong confronts Arthit in the living room. Outside the house, everyone settles in the garden while Gulf and Saint are quietly waiting for their parents. Gun tries to comfort them when Win (who was busy playing with others) approaches his brothers. He tries to question them, but gets silent seeing their gloomy face. Bright, Mew, and Zee also approaches them and feels a weird tension. Bright stands behind Win trying to ask him while the other 2 brothers are mesmerized by the 2 beauties in front of them. Mew is speechless since the moment he saw Gulf, but feels hurt seeing him crying while Zee is spellbound with Saint's beauty. Win is trying his best to comfort his brothers and even Bright joins them while the Mew and Zee are busy admiring them. Soon, they both also join Win to help Gulf and Saint much to elders relief. 

Kit suddenly questions Gun about New and Arthit and Gun start explaining them about his brothers from their meeting in the NGO till today. They all feel happy and proud on hearing their life story and achievements, but are also surprised to know about their special ability (preg). But, still everyone is confused about those 4's relation with each other and silently pray for happy results. Off approaches them with his maids behind and offers everyone a few snacks as the lunch doesn't seem to start anytime soon. Everyone gets busy eating and talking while the kids are busy bonding. Bright is offering Win food who shyly accepts it while Mew is trying to make a conversation to sulking Gulf and Zee is bonding with Saint. Gulf and Saint feels better with their company and starts to get comfortable with other kids, but still keep an eye out for their mothers who are no where to be seen. 

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