Jumpol family reunion

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TayNew - Gulf, KongArt - Saint, OffGun - Win.

ForthBeam - Zee, PhaYo - Mew, MingKit- Bright.


Gun drives a confused Off and sleeping Win to his house. Gun feels that he can talk to Off at home while Win can sleep peacefully because others won't be back from their work and club activities till evening. On reaching, Off helps laying Win in his room while Gun caress his baby's forehead. Off feels awkward with the scene and has a lot to ask, but doesn't know how to start. Sensing his discomfort, Gun ask him to take a seat beside, so that he can explain everything. Without making any eye contact, Gun starts explaining everything since his disappearance. He informs about his pregnancy, finding the NGO, his pregnant brothers, the trio kids, and his work. He didn't spare a single detail while explaining to Off, but didn't make any eye contact. Off who heard everything with wide eyes is having mixed emotions on how to react. He doesn't know whether he should feel sad that Gun had to suffer or be happy that Win is his own flesh and blood or be shocked that his Gun can get pregnant or be proud of Gun's achievements. While he is trying to understand the sudden shocking truth, Gun feels scared of Off's silent treatment and feels that he might disgust him for being different from others. He starts crying quietly with his head down. Off, on returning to reality, notices Gun crying and sprung towards him and embraces him tightly. He cups his face and clearing the tears while crying himself. He says that he can not believe that he is a father due to his lover and ensures him that he is not different, but special to him. He is beyond happy seeing his lover being so successful in life by his own hard work, but feels guilty that he wasn't there to support him when he needed him the most. 

Gun, hearing Off's confessions, feels relieved as all his insecurities and negative thoughts have been cleared by Off's words. They both are busy in each other's embrace when Off notices Win. His hand shiver while reaching out to him, but Gun reassures him, and he places his hands on Win's head. Off burst into crying that the proof of their love is sleeping soundly right infront of him. He caresses his hair, kiss his head, and just admires his baby. After some time, Gun brings Off out of the room, so Win won't get disturb. After their long reunion, Off proposes Gun to come live with him as a family, but Gun ask for more time as he has to explain Win everything and has to talk to his family as well. Hearing this, Off feels sad and is also scared of Win's reaction. Even Gun is not sure, how Win will take everything and whether he wants to see Off or not. Both of them are busy discussing their thoughts when they hear 2 kids running into the house. Off remembers those kids while the kids feel scared seeing the same person who might get angry at them for their action at school. Off know understands and is aware of Gun's family including New, Arthit, Gulf, and Saint after hearing Gun's explanation including his brothers, their kids, and their bond with each other. He goes towards the kids and hug them while the kids are frozen at the place. He loosen the hug and ensures the kid that there is nothing to worry about. 

Gun ask Off to stay for a while so that he can meet Arthit and New while advise the kids to freshen up before meeting Win. He goes to the kitchen to prepare dinner followed by Off who is busy admiring his beauty. With some teasing, hugging, and decent flirting, they both get the dinner ready. Soon, Arthit and New arrive home and notice Off while Gun ask them to freshen up, so they can talk. Before dinner, the kids are in Win's room while the adults are seated out in the garden for the talk. For some reason, Off can feel an intimidating aura from Arthit and a pair of hawk eyes scanning him without blink thanks to New. Gun notice this and call for everyone's attention and narrates them the whole incident. Upon realization, Arthit and New are beyond happy for Gun and hug him tight, even invite Off for the same, whereas, Off feels relieved on being accepted by the brothers, but all of them are concerned about the kids reaction. New, however, calms everyone and advise to stay positive. At the dinner table, the adults are eating dinner while the kids are confused with Off's presence beside Gun's seat while Off can feel the questioning look of the kids especially Win who basically is glaring him for some reason. The dinner goes in complete silence and for the 1st time Win's focus is more on Off rather than food. 

After dinner, Gun decides to take Win to the room for the talk, but Off suggests telling everything in front of everyone as he knows that they never hide anything and the kids share a brotherly bond. He wants everyone to accept him wholeheartedly and not only Gun and Win. Arthit and New respect him for his understanding nature and maturity while Gun is happy and scared of Win's reaction. Still, he explains Win everything in a meaningful way, while Off is having cold sweats thinking about kids reaction. Gulf and Saint are shocked to find out about Win's dad while Win just gets up and go back to his room limping after the confession leaving others dumbfounded. Gun starts crying while Off hugs him tight, they feel that Win won't accept this ever. New goes to Win's room while Arthit take care of the kids. In the room, Win is sniffing at the end of the bed when New approaches him. Seeing his momma New, he cries while New stays silent as he understands that the kid need time to process everything. 

At midnight, Win is calmer than before, but still sobbing in New's embrace while all the others are in the hall scared of Win's reaction. Off is trying hard to be strong for Gun while Arthit is ensuring them that everything will be fine. Even by then, Gulf and Saint have somehow accepted Off to which he feels relieved and thankful. Those 2 kids try their best to comfort the couple while OffGun feels better with their love. After a while, Win approaches Gun limping with his puffy red eyes with New behind him. Off's heart clenches seeing his kid in this condition while Gun hugs his baby the moment he sees him. A sobbing Win ask his momma whether his dad will take his mom away from him or what if he hates them later. Listening to Win's confession, Off approaches Win and takes him from Gun's hug. He caresses and cooes his baby while hugging and reassures him again and again that he would never leave them or take away his momma away from him. He says how much he loves them and misses them while crying. They both talk like that for a while. Win, somehow feels relieved when his dad clear all his insecurities and finally accept him much to everyone's relief. Off just hug his Gun and Win having their family moment while others are admiring this cute reunion with tearful eyes. 

Later, everyone goes to their room to sleep while the OffGun and Win decides to sleep together after so many years as 1 complete family. 

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