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TayNew - Gulf, KongArt - Saint, OffGun - Win.

ForthBeam - Zee, PhaYo - Mew, MingKit- Bright.


Everyone is seated along with their lovers while kids take their seats beside their crush. Off has prepared the menu keeping everyone's favorite in mind especially Gun and Win. Forthbeam, MingKit, and PhaYo are busy teasing the other couples who are behaving like newly weds. They continue talking with each other and sharing their life experiences that helped them to bond with others as well. They all are happy to hear about Arthit, New, and Gun's businesses while Tay, Kong, and Off feel proud of their lovers. 

On the other hand, Bright is busy feeding his shy bunny all his favorite food in their own small bubble. Zee is trying to talk to Saint who only makes short conversations, but focus more on his brothers. While, mew is also adoring and teasing Gulf from time to time making the other one tomato red. Their wooing continues throughout the lunch. After lunch, team wives have made their way to huge garden outside to enjoy their time and bonding and team husbands have dragged the reluctant Off, Tay, and Kong with them for some games in Off's gaming room. While, the kids are busy drooling over their crushes while playing with them.

In the evening, Saint walks to his momma Arthit to ask if they all can go back home as he is tired much to Zee's dislike who looked like a kicked puppy at the moment. Saint's voice catches everyone's attention. Gun and New also notice their kids looking at them for the answer. The 3 mothers share a look with each other nodding to Saint that they will go back now. New thank others for giving them and their kids such a warm welcome and decides to take the leave. Beam tell them that he will call the husbands out to which the latter nod. Meanwhile, Gun is busy handling the trio who is snuggling in his hug. 

Yo and Kit are fangirling over the cute and chubby kids while their own kids are on sulking mode as their crushes are leaving them. Kit teases Zee, Mew, and Bright that they don't need to look so dishearten as they can meet their "new friends" again soon earning a laughter from others. On the other side, Beam enters the room only to witness a shouting Forth, Pha, and Tay who are busy winning some game while Kong and Ming are having a serious competition of some kind monitored by Off. He coughs a little to catch everyone's attention. Forth walks to him and hug him making the latter blush as others start teasing. Somehow, he manages to find his voice and inform all of them that their long lost wives are leaving as the kids are tired. The moment these words leave Beam's mouth, Off, Kong, and Tay shoot themselves outside leaving the others stunned at their places. 

They reach the garden followed by the left over husbands and Beam to see the 3 kids snuggled up in Gun's embrace while Kit is teasing the other kids. Tay hugs New tight and telling him not to leave like the other 2 husbands, but this time the kids seem reluctant. Gulf, Saint, and Win already had a day without their mother's attention for the whole day and now their newly discovered fathers are not leaving them again. The irritated kids don't like the idea of staying more as they are already tired from all the revelations and all day fun along with the fact of being followed by 3 puppies who didn't let them breathe for a second the whole day. The trio looks at each other giving a small nod and walks to their respective mommas. They decided to use their final weapon that made them win every situation. Gulf, Saint, and Win give their best puppy eyes and pouty lips to Arthit, New, and Gun who were in their husband's hug. They were already busy coxing their childish husbands to let them leave when the noticed their kids expression. 

It only took them a second to come out of the hug and caress their kids while reassuring them that they will go back now. They give an apologetic smile to Tay, Kong, and Off while their kids give a victory smile to each other. Gun tells them that they will visit again soon, but for now they have to go back soon as the kids are tired and have school the next day. They bid their goodbye and leave. Off, Kong, and Tay walk them to their cars and did not forget to hug and kiss their wives and kids before sending them off.  Pha reassure his 3 dejected looking friends that they will get to see their family soon and signals the kids. Zee, Mew, and Bright understood it and run towards their future father-in-law's to hug them tight. Tay, Kong, and Off feel happy seeing the kids gesture to brighten their mood. They feel better on hearing their friends kind words and kids sweet gesture. Unknown to them, the kids have made a silent note in their mind to win their hearts and be the best kids they have seen, so they don't have to face their father-in-law's wrath for going after their kids. They show each other their wide grin while hugging their dearest "uncles" to comfort them. 

On the other hand, the trio reach home after a small ice cream party on the way. They made their way back to their rooms after biding good night to their sweet mommas. Arthit, New, and Gun settle down in the balcony while reliving the whole day again. They thank god that all their fears and insecurities finally ended. New feels relieved that none of the kids is mad at them or their husbands for the past. Arthit proudly exclaims how the kids are so mature for their age while Gun also feels the same. He reminds the other 2 that even though kids don't dislike them, but still he has noticed how the trio is still not completely comfortable around them. New tell them to give the kids some time as they already have enough on their plate to wrap their heads around to which other's nod. While, the kids decide to sleep together on the same bed in each other's hug. They know how big was the day for each other and how their mind is wandering all over the place. So, the trio snuggles to each other with Saint in center and GulfWin at sides. None of them say much except for their sweet good nights, but the silence seems enough to comfort each other. Soon the go to their dreamland while the mothers witness their sweet gesture of comforting each other. They tuck them with the quilt and kiss their forehead. Silently, they go back to their rooms and sleep with a light heart as a heavy weight lifted off their chests.

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