The bitter truth

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I was staring at that picture for hours. A soothing comfortable pain was ringing on my heart.My eyes were moist with tears.I was happy to see that picture. And I was sure about their identity. Aunt Lea came to house.She was shocked seeing me like that.She said,"Oh my goodness!why are you crying dear?are you okay?"I didn't know how to start the conversation. I was afraid. I took a deep breath and said,"From the day I came from hospital, I've trust you.Without any condition I agreed with you in everything. I always asked you about my parents. But you never told  me " after saying that I showed her the picture and asked her,"Are they my parents?"Aunt Lea's eyes were trembling. She nodded her head.She said,"Yes,They are your parents".I was smiling with tears on my eyes.I was so happy that I couldn't talk to her anymore. But she said,"I can't hide it from you anymore. I can't do this anymore. I have to tell you the truth otherwise it will kill me inside "she was crying. I was kind of perplex about what she was saying. I asked her that what was the truth.I asked her,"Where are my parents?Why are they not with me?why?"I was screaming at her.Than the most terrible and frustrating thing happened to me.The thing which I will never forget. She wiped her tears and said those words,"They are dead.On that accident, you weren't alone.Your parents were with you.They died on that accident.On that night, there were three people on that car.But unfortunately, you're the only one who is alive now."The world seemed a very unsafe place to me that time.Thunder was crashing my heart.I felt like I was homeless,hopeless and dreamless. I was trembling with pain.I became numb.I couldn't say a word anymore.I closed my eyes and fell on the ground. Than I didn't remember what happened next.
I never thought something like that would happen to me.I didn't remember them but still.An unbearable pain was dragging me.I heard Nick calling me,"Sabby!Sabby!it's me.It's your Nickolai ,it's Nick."I gently opened my eyes.I discovered that I was in my bedroom.Aunt ,Ariel were standing in front of the bed and Nick was sitting beside me.I was puzzled for a moment. Than I recalled about everything. I started to weep.Nick said,"Don't cry,love.Don't cry.Everything will be alright. "I ignored him and tried to sit.I gently got up and sat on my bed.I took a sight at everyone and said,"Can I talk to Aunt alone?Nick stood up and said of course. Nick and Ariel left the room.Aunt sat beside me like a guilty. My eyes were red .I stopped weeping for a minute and stare at her.I said to her,"I don't remember them.I don't remember talking to them .I don't even know how they sound like.But since the i came from hospital, i felt like there was something missing. I felt like I left behind something very precious. But I didn't understand that time.Now I understand what was it.It was them.It was always them."I couldn't handle myself after saying that.I started to cry. Aunt was crying too.She tried to comfort me.I aksed her a simple question that what happened that night. I forced her to tell me everything about that night. "I don't think you're are ready to hear all of that"Aunt tried not to tell me.But I interrupted her and said,"I don't want to live in lie anymore. I have right to know about my parents" Finding no other choice,Aunt started to telling me everything. "You and your parents were going on your book exhibition. The last book you wrote.They were very excited to go there.But.."she started to crying. "What happened then?" I asked her."A truck crushed the car .You guys were there in the car.Your father were dead there immediately  but you and your mother were alive.You two were admitted into the same hospital. But she couldn't make it.Before she left us she made a promise to me.She promised me to take care of you until the day I die.She promised me to help you lead the best life.I couldn't tell you about it because I never wanted to hurt you" i was stunned when i hear it.I was no longer in my world. I hugged Aunt and said,"i am sorry.Because of me there are dead now""No,never. It's not your fault.It was never.Don't blame yourself. All depends on God's wish."aunt Lea said.I cried half of the day.Aunt was with me all the day.I was blaming myself for everything.
Nick and Ariel came to me.They hugged me.Ariel said,"It wasn't your fault,Sabrina. They always wanted to see you happy. They would be sad if they know that  you're blaming Yourself for everything. Nick hold my hand said,"They will always be with you.We will be with you.You will never be alone."I closed my eyes and tried to imagine my parents. A beautiful feeling hugged me that time.I found them that day and I lost them on that same day.

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