Chapter 22

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Monica's POV

Flashback of Monica's pov at the start of chapter 21

Y/n parted from me to go to her last class. In my head, I had a mission to complete at the end of the school hours.

The home bell then finally rang, leading up to everyone calmly heading to their homes. I did the same. 

The time on my watch was hours before the library would've closed. That was my main direction of where I was headed. 

Adam borrowed the bewitching book from the same place. So as soon as I entered the front, barely any people were to be seen. It was quite the mansion size of a church looking library. 

I walked in slowly, wondering my eyes around with mysterious thoughts about the place.

Y/n handed me the book earlier. And so, I approached the librarian at the front desk. The man that was there looked a bit like dumbledore.

I acted as humane as possible. 

"Excuse me, do you happen to know where the page of my book is?" 

I asked before pulling out the book. The man looked at me. He lifted his eyes upon me with his feather pen writing on thick pages.

"What is it, young lady?" He said in a bit of a raspy voice.

I slammed the book on the desk as I pointed to the ripped page.  "This page. It was missing when my friend first got it."

He seemed to have completely ignored my point.

"That book, young lady, I'm afraid is overdue. Your friend must've made a mistake borrowing this book." He continued writing with his feather pen. My smile was wiped. 

My true expression revealed. "That piece of paper, does it have info on how to bring back a fictional character to the real world?"

"If you're asking me, you're being caught of on the wrong foot. It's too much information to speak, so therefore I shall not speak in false tongue." He exclaimed. So tedious.

I suppose this man's trying to be clever on me. My fist banged the surface of the desk, showing my pit of rage on his 'such bold' remark. 

"I said 'Do you know how to bring fictional people back to life!?'" I shouted toward his face.

He replied so calmly. "My advice is to just tape the already destroyed sheet of paper back together to revive such being."

"Are you trying to play dumb..?"

"No. I'm being generally serious."

My nostrils puffed air. "Just cut to the chase. I'm not here for a silly game of your 'smart dispute'"

"And what is it that got you into such animosity?" He raised his eyebrows, smoking a pipe from his mouth.

"Because it's my friend's boyfriend!" I shouted, once again.

"His soul was torn apart by some bitch in my school just because she wanted him for herself! All I want for y/n is to bring her love back, and let him live for longer!"

My fury felt like boiling under my skin. He expression didn't change as his dull eyes kept gazing up to me.

He hand dug into a draw at the bottom of the desk. I leaned over to see what he was grabbing. His hand reached his feather pen and began to write on the back of what looked to be that missing page.

"If you want him back, you must make sure that the paper is only torn in half to tape back together. If it's torn in pieces, it's very unlikely to happen" 

His hand with the paper then slowly reached for me to grab it. I gently took it to place in my pocket.

"One other thing.... how do you make him live permanently?" I asked him one last time.

"Well... if you want him to live permanently, I do have a secret something that I've kept for a very long time"

He put down a tiny jar of some weird juice. I guess it should be labelled as the 'permanent' juice.

I questioned it's magic. "So does this help him stay longer?"

"It is pretty much a 'life' potion. I've been keeping it in my store for decades. It's also able to make him live like a human. Age, puberty, all that sort of stuff" He smirked.

I chuckled, thanking him with such kindliness. "Thank you so much. This will mean the world to y/n."

"I hope so." He laughed so sweetly. 

I insisted on returning the book, but his kind heart let me keep it. For y/n of course. As I was on my way, I sighed with such a happy smile. But it also came to my head. 

This thing is a potion. Potion's are a real thing?! I thought.

I ran over to y/n's house. But instead of just delivering the potion to her directly, I decided to put it in a mini box to put in her mailbox. I took out a box that I used for my jewlery, was able to fit it in perfectly without pushing the lid. 

I began to write her initials on the lid with a thick sharpie:

To: Y/n
From: The mysterious librarian

Once I finished preparing it for her joy, I gently placed it inside her mailbox until I strolled away back home . .


I sat on my desk chair, relaxing my cheek on my hand. My head repeatedly dropped in exhaustment until I raised it back up.

"Are you tired?" Adam asked.

"I'm okay" I replied with a tired voice.

After about 2 minutes of more silence, Adam reached into his school backpack. 

"By the way, I found something the other day..."
I half turned my head with dead eyes to see Adam pull out 2 pieces of paper. My eyes went from droopy to massive pupils. My energy struck as I stood up swiftly.

"You have the paper?!" I gasped.

"Yeah. It seems like it's been ripped in half." 

Before he could hand it to me, my hands swiped it off from him and placed it on my desk. The sight of it still made me upset just by his torn drawing.

My mind was racing for ideas. But the only 'genius' thing I could think of was taping it together. I demanded Adam to throw me the tape on my bedside table. He chucked it and I managed to clasp it with my two hands.

It took me about one minute to carefully tape it together without any gaps. I placed the long strips of tape on both sides of the sheet. It still dawned on me. 

Once I completed taping, I sat still to gaze at it with drifted silence. When I counted to about 1 minute, nothing out of the ordinary had happened, as I estimated.

Whatever, it's not gonna work anyway. Such a silly idea, I thought to myself as I sighed deeply, laying back on my chair.

After what I thought had been past 6 minutes, something in the air felt really odd. Adam could sense it too. I looked around until a blinding bright flash emerged in swift second. My arms covered my vision from the big flash. 

Before I did, Adam did the same thing with his hands shielding his eyes. This feels more like deja vu for me...

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