Chapter 10

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Me and Adam continued with our korean study session. The decent amount of words I've learned and Adam giving helpful advice. He did genuinely help me through out the process.

While mid-session, I received a notification from my phone sitting my my beside table. I could already see the message from my bed as I could just read it.

'Be aware of what you're doing, or else...'

I found myself just staring completely motionless at the instagram message. Adam noticed me spacing out. 

"Y/n, you alright?" he said with a bit of a worried face. 

My head spun back around and smiled at him. He must've understood by my smile that I was just zoning out, but I really wasn't just doing that.

By the time I got to school and the whole lot of students mobbed the pinboard in the school's corrider. I pushed myself through the gaps between the large amount of people. 

My eyes then first connected to a sheet of paper with a row of people's names. 

I recognised a few of them to be the names of the people who came to the dance trials. I could hear whispers and quiet screaming from those around me.

Dance trial's offical chart:

Travis Lee
Adam Hyung
Y/N L/N    (Your name, Last name)


When I read out the names in my head, Travis' name was at the top. That boy I could remember from the other day. Along with a few other unknown names, I could see me and Adam's name on top of each other at the bottom of the list. 

I screamed internally, but not aloud for people to notice. I smirked and skipped happily to my first class.

I opened the door to the classroom to tell Adam about our lucky accomplishment, when I saw a sight of Diana talking to Adam at his desk. He looked at me while she was still blabbing non-stop. 

I awkwardly scooted to my desk and didn't bother to keep my eyes on him. 

Diana probably knew that if she weren't there, he'd be the first person I'd chat to. Before the lesson started, the dance teacher entered with is announcement to the dancers who made it in; mainly just us two.

"Reminder to those who made it in the dance troop, first off, congratulations. You did really well. Second, we need to have a meeting in the performing space at your break time. It is very important so I recommend you come" He exclaimed, aiming the message to me and Adam.

Adam looked over his shoulder to me. I refused to look at him. Nearly the whole class turned their view to the both of us since we made it in. 


By the end of the lesson, Adam jogged up to me with his hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

"Y/n, you're coming to the meeting, right?"

I gazed down then back to him. "Yeah, I will" I said before I parted from him.

I couldn't find Monica on my way to next class, but I assumed she must be absent or something. She does come to this next class with me. It felt a little unusual. 

I could vividly see one of the girls who's friends with Diana sitting across from my left on the edge of my eye. I thought she stared at me with dead eyes, but she just appeared to have a little disgust on her face when looking at me.

When the dance meeting time came, I got there at the earliest I could be. I already spotted Adam sitting innocently on the floor. He signalled me to sit beside him. I did, but only about a meter apart. He seemed quite chill about it. 

Only, I believe that he might think of me being a bit distant from him nowadays. But it's not my fault I don't wanna be clumped by a bunch of his fangirls. Diana.

The teacher readied us for our warm ups and stretches. I was stood next to Travis, as Adam was on the far front right from my vision. 

When we showed out dance moves, I caught my eyes being layed on Travis most of the time. I just figured that his dancing is amazing!

"Okay! What I've been preparing for all of you is to do a group dance for a big performance of the school's 'end of year' assembly." The teacher explained.

I was kind of excited, but also perplexed on how I would dance in the same group as, not only Adam, but Travis.

"Line up into 4's!" He shouted happily. 

I coincidentally gathered in a group stuck between me, Adam, Travis, and another guy. I quietly sighed to myself. 

We began a small routine for more warm ups and went along with the catchy music echoing around the room.

I felt more hyped after that session. Soon after we gushed out half of our water from our bottles into our bodies, the teacher commanded everyone to hold onto a partner.

Me feeling kinda stuck on what we were doing, I felt both of my arms being gripped on. I turned my head from side to side.
Both Travis and Adam were holding my arm for my company. My mind was puzzled. Who do I go for then?

I slowly shuffled towards Travis when Adam slowly released his hand from my arm. They stared at each other for a couple seconds after my choosing in partners. I couldn't tell if their dead stare was seriousness. 

Everyone spread out with their assigned partner in the room and prepared for the dance the teacher decided to let us practise with a duo.

Our start of the dance seemed a bit more lyrical and slow dancing.

I didn't know how well this dance would go with me and Travis. Adam already had a partner now that I'm stuck with Travis for this dance.

Reaching throughout each individual step of the dance, I had to lean far back with Travis holding onto my back in a very stylish pose like a ballet duo.

My face was flushed and I couldn't keep my heart rate to normal. He noticed as I was breathing heavily.

"Is this something you're anxious about?" He smirked at me.

He brought me back to my feet whilst being really awkward around him. When I looked over at Adam, he held a straight face for most of the period..

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