Chapter 7

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When we reached the end period, I waved by to Monica and began to walk my path. Tae wasn't at the front gate I was expecting for him to wait at. 

But as I walked a couple feet, my eyes met with him standing and waiting patiently, for me. I walked up to him as we began walking near each others sides.

He started talking, "Did you help out with the teacher?"

"Um, yeah"

"What'd you do?"

"I carried a few stacks of printer paper to the office" I blurted out the first lie I thought of. 

"That sounds fun" he smiled.

From the corner of my eye, she sort of stared at me for a few seconds til he moved his gaze from me. Before I was gonna say something, Tae then cut his words in front.

"So, I heard that there's gonna be a dance trial for a group of people to be apart of and it looks really incredible, don't you think?" he grinned. 

When I thought about his sentence, I was already cut to the flyer of the art contest I remember seeing. I do like dancing, which is what kpop got me into, but I was still contemplating on whether it be fitting for me.

"I'll think about it" I smiled at Tae back.

When we were close to the block where my house was, I stopped Tae for a minute. "Hold on, I just feel.. that we should come to conclusion..." I stopped my sentence for a few seconds. 

"What is it?" he looked at my eyes when I connected mine back to his. 

"...I shouldn't keep hiding you in my room anymore. I should actually introduce you.. to my parents this time." 

My eyes dropped back down. He rotated his head down to keep contact with my eyes as I blushed a bit. 

"You know what, that's a good idea..!"

Did I really just say I'll show him to my parents? Then they'll be praising me for inviting, not only a friend, but someone beyond the beauty in our house.

We reached the door step and let ourselves in. As we anticipated to see, my mother waltzed in to welcome me. 

Little knowing that a boy would see her for the first time. Tae also never saw my parents, so this was also a surprising moment between us. 

I held my hand shielding my face from direct eye contact to my mother to my father. They both shook his hand with pure delight on their eyes and mouths. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, you handsome one!" she blabbered.

"You too." 

"It's just been so long ever since we've seen Y/n walk inside with a friend comforting her."

My face was a bit flushed. I didn't speak any word to my parents or Tae. But, I knew that Tae couldn't go anywhere else other than here. I than brought up the question. 

"Uh- It's okay if he stay's here a little while, right?" I lowered my gaze again. 

"Well, I suppose we don't mind too much. Feel comfortable is you want. We do love guests!" 

He clasped her hands together as she turned directions to the kitchen. I quietly sighed to myself with mild relief.

I brought him back to my bedroom. "Your parents are super nice!" he said happily.

"They do love it when guests hang over" I scratched my neck.

"So, how about the dance trials?"


"Remember what I suggested to you? We should both partake in it together." He leaned forward closer to my face.

"O-Oh, yeah. I guess we can since you love dancing."

I didn't really feel the need to tell him about my dancing abilities.
I wanted to show him my skill, but I determined to wait til the trials. Yes, I'm willing to at least try the audition.


As soon as our recess bell rang, I informed Monica that I'll be trialing for a dance troop. Monica also insisted that she would come to watch me, so she did.

We both raced to the door of the performing space room. We also spotted Tae already there as he finger waved me. "Omg! He waved at us. Come on!" 

Monica tugged onto my arm as we sat down against the wall and waiting for the dance instructor. Tae also smiled at me and raised his eyebrows, I gently smiled back until we all layed eyes on the intructor.

"Welcome students. As you have come here to know, we are hosting trials for our next dance troop for this semester. We have written on the flyer for all of you to learn a good dance for us to mark you on for your audition. I will be calling names for those who will showcase what they've got. Do your best and put in your energy."

He then clapped his hands together and grabbed the checklist of names. Surprisingly, Tae was first to present. "Adam Hyung! You're up first" he called.

I didn't forget about his alias name being Adam Hyung, I just was used to calling him Tae. I guess, I should name him as well as everybody else..

The song that was played was one that I could recognise rather well, which was to be one of Taehyung's solo songs: (0:28 - 1:58)

His performance was, as I figured, incredibly outstanding. Everyone of us in the room clapped as Monica cheered onward. He plopped back down to where he sat next to me and was panting with sparkly sweat running down his neck. 

I hastily thrusted my head away as I felt flustered by just looking at his aftermath of some quite intense dancing. 

After about 2 people, it was called out that I was next.
I sighed as Monica clapped and cheered aloud. I was in my focusing state when I took a few deep breaths and played each memorized move...

When that was over, the immense cheering and applauses I heard from mostly unknown people. It struck a bomb in my heart; a bomb of endless hope and encouragement. I was super flustered by the compliments and positivity from everyone, including Adam.

Taehyung/Adam's POV

As Y/n kept up her performance, my eyes lit up. I looked over at Monica as I could feel the same energy coming from her. Her dancing is really incredible. 

It brought my smile to grow wider. I don't know how I gained these feelings from just y/n dancing, it's probably just because I haven't seen her dance like that before. I know her talent in drawing, but when it comes to dancing, I've seen daylight shine.

"Y/n, you're amazing!" Monica cheered.

I clapped along with her. Y/n sat back down beside me. I wanted to admit how amazing she was, but I thought it'd be best to keep my feelings.

It was a side of her I've never seen. She's usually quiet and timid to herself. When Monica performed, her dance was also well-performed.

I feels kinda weird to have such feelings to y/n when she danced. I don't know if I have some lovestruck spark in me. 

I just hadn't known what it was really like to such a good person.. like y/n. I squinted my eyes to break out of my thoughts. I really hope we both make it in.

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