Chapter 5

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Taehyung's POV

I requested to y/n about a friend hang out, since we don't have too much to do in her room. I could see in her emotions that she seems a bit uncertain, but what more could I do to make it up to her?

I looked at her as she asked me. "Where do we go though?"

I smirked. "How about the park?"

"Sure. I suppose I haven't been there in a while." 

It seemed to bring a baby smile to her face. It's not a full one, but it believed to be a good outcome to her introversion. 

She lead the way outside of the house to the small park a couple blocks down. It gave me hope that I get to see her town a bit more visually. 

Even though I haven't been too free in the outside world, my sense of hope gleamed onto me.

When we reached the park, I pointed to the children's park playground. I knew she could tell where my mind was approaching as it implied to convince her. 

"Ooh! The swing! The swing!" I poked her and pulled her arm in forward. She chuckled along with me pulling her in for the swings. 

We took each side and gained more speed by each motion we did with the force of our legs. The timing of our swinging was off but didn't stop our amusement. 

By each minute, we slowed down from using more than 80% of our energy on having fun on the swings. Clashing our feet against the dirt for us to stop going as fast.

"This is really fun! I've never really played in a playground like this."

"Well, yeah. I'm sure this is your first time for everything... Can I ask you something?"  

"Sure" I nodded.

"Before you came to life, what was it like being a drawing?.." I did find that question quite tough to explain. I answered it anyway with the most experience I had. 

"I guess you could say it was like being in another dimension. When you were drawing me, I could feel myself alive in that dimension. Maybe.. I was lucky. Drawings might have and share the same feelings as me, but I'm lucky because that pencil you used brought me to life."

My thoughts were spreading with countless thoughts and memories I could best think of. I felt quite touchy to share such detail on my 'past' to y/n. 

Although she created me. I could spot her tiny smirk when she pointed her head down. Her shyness was kinda cute.

The two of us leaped off the swings and strolled around the rest of the park. Before we left, I could hear a buzzing sound coming from y/n's pocket. The screen showed a name at the top; it's y/n mother.


I pulled my vibrating phone out of my pocket and answered it.

"Hey Mom... I-I'm at the park.. just- by myself... okay" I hung up the phone with a silent sigh.

Tae looked at me like I was upset. "Is something wrong?"

"I- We have to go back home. My mom's wanting me to do her chores" I crossed my arms and started walking ahead of Tae. Both of us didn't talk as much as we did on the way home.

We approached the front door mat, feeling little nervousness as to what my mom might say if she saw me or Tae. But Tae opened the door first and let me walk in before he would. Therefore, I suddenly see my mother 6 feet away from me standing. 

"Why did you leave on your own without telling me?" She lectured. My focus was on Tae but couldn't see anything to do with him when my view was empty. Tae just went off without any alert. He must've ran away before mom could see him.

"Y/n! Are you listening?" I heard her shout again when my head hurriedly turned back to her attention, acting as if I weren't confused about anything. 

"S-Sorry Eomma.." 

I lowered my head down to her feet. She then went off about me leaving the house without any verification, but she didn't shout to powerfully. Only a small rant from her voice.

I then sent myself back upstairs and sat on my bed with my hands resting my head in grief.
Why on earth did Tae just vanish? I guess it was best for him to not get caught that way.. I thought. I didn't have time to search for him. 

Taehyung's POV

I scurried in a matter of seconds to run through the open gate to the backyard, leaving y/n behind. It house was a two story house, so my bestest way to push through to her bedroom was one of the higher windows across from my view. My shoes and everything were convenient enough to climb upward to her unlocked window.

 Everything in my muscles were compressed. Arms and legs stretched by each risky movement I made. I gripped my hands onto climable vines that brought my reach further. My foot slipped by only small centimeters.

As soon as I clutched onto the window frame from the outside, I repeatidly knocked on the window to alert Y/n. Before she could observe, I tumbled over onto her carpet to my knees.
She stood up alarmed when she saw my unpleasant arrival.

"T-Tae?" She stuttered. 

A few of the muscles in my hands were cramping but I layed back flat on her soft carpet with sturdy breathing.

"Ah.. Do you need ice? You have some visible scratches on your hands?" I saw her half worried face when I looked over at her. 

"I'm fine. I just came back to your room without taking the door." I swung myself up to my legs crossed. 

Y/n let out a big sigh. "I'm just glad you didn't fall off". She sat down to her desk chair and evidently got into her sketchbook.

By the time her dinner was made, she left downstairs for 10 minutes until she brought a serving of the the pleasant-smelling meal she handed to me. 

I did absorb all of it clean, my hunger was at ease. Again, it widened my eyes with how delicious it tasted. Almost tempted to ask for more, but I handled it well. 

We then both got tired and slept on our beds like last night. I'm starting to really like the real world, even in y/n's house. It's pleasurable..

Drawn to you |  𝐊𝐓𝐇  ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt