Chapter 18

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Once as I searched, I lost all hope in thinking he's still alive.
But, the thumping noise kept on proceeding. My head slowly raised up to the direction of the sound. 

It felt like it was coming from the roof outside my window. It was dark, and I didn't want to check what it was.

Probably a possum or something.. I thought.

But as it got louder and suddenly came closer. 

"What's up..?"

It was Adam..?! He's... alive!

My eyes lit up as my whole body jolted back on my feet. He climbed through the window and closed it shut, commenting.

"Jeez, it's cold outside" 

I then jumped on him in a tight hug. "Woh..! You okay?" He asked me worried about my sudden embrace. His hands were frozen above my shoulders as he wasn't hugging me back.

"I-I thought.. you disappeared because of your time-limit. You scared me..." 

I sobbed with my tears staining his jumper. He then placed his hands on my back to hug me, apologising with his soft voice. "I'm sorry that I scared you.." 

His hug was comforting. He must've really felt how much he scared me.

Adam/Taehyung's POV

I wasn't aware of how much me not being being in the room terrified her, thinking that I had reached my time-limit of survival. 

Suddenly, y/n's mother waltzed in the room, to which we broke the hug and turned our contact the opposite way, acting 'casual' as we could.

"Um.. You guys okay?" She asked us calmly.

"Yes. We just... were about to study korean together."

"Okay. I just heard weird noises from what sounded to be the roof. Just wanted to make sure nothing eccentric happened". She then left the room with the door closed.

The both of us sighed in relief, until the room was filled in silence. I cleared my throat, but y/n spoke before I did.

"So, are we actually studying?" She turned to me. "Uh, if you want to" I shrugged.

She then pointed to my half finished plate of food, asking, "Are you goona finish your food?"

"Uh, yeah. I will." I assured her.


We arrived back at the school when the weekend finished. As me and y/n were walking along the corrider, we were immediately paused by our sir dance teacher.

"Oh, you two! I just wanna announce to you that.. you guys took my decision to vote for you. Congrats, you guys won the dance contest!" He smiled at us.

Me and y/n looked to each other with joy lit up in our faces. I high-fived her and clutched onto her hand as she did.

"As for your prize, not only will you two get a gift card for the local ice cream shop, I also really wished for you guys to perform at the assembly we have at the end of this week. That is if you are comfortable with that."

We both nodded with agreement. It seemed as if he was telling us about this privately and not to the dance troop.

He then continued. "You guys can use the same choreography, or make up a new one if you want."

"It's fine. We'll just do the same one" I said happily. Y/n agreed too.

After that, he handed two $20 gift cards for an ice cream store. We were exhilarated with excitement and accomplishment. I hugged her with my arm and continued to walk to class.

"Ooh! I'm so excited about this gift card!" She cheered.

"We can use it later this afternoon if you want" I recommended to her.

"Oh, yeah. We should!"

I giggled at her cute expression.

At the end of the day. We both used our gift cards for a little ice cream shop. I bought a caramel with mixed chocolate sprinkles, and y/n got a regular cookies and cream. I felt a lot more high spirits. 

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