Chapter 13

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The recess bell started. Me and Adam packed our things to head to dance practice. Of course, I had to continue my dance routine with Travis. It felt slightly accentric, and I think Travis thinks that it's just normal.

When I did walk up to the performing room, Travis tapped my shoulder.

"Hey! You ready to practice?" He asked me, shortened of breath from jogging over. I nodded. 

As soon as the teacher came in, everyone found their spots for position of the routine. Adam was by himself since his partner was absent. 

He started the cheesy music for us to play our progressed performance. I acted as casual as possible.

After about half a minute, I was slightly worned out from repeating the same dance over and over. 

"I like your dancing." Travis commented nicely. I thanked him for the compliment.

But before we could proceed, Travis' phone vibrate tensely. He picked up. 

"Hello?... oh- okay.. Thank you..." 

He then immediately hung up the phone and rushed over to the dance teacher, then out the door with full fear in his expression. I also had concerns for him.

Adam stepped toward me asking about Travis' sudden disappearance. "What's his problem?" He asked me calmly.

"I don't know.. Maybe something happened in his family..."

When the teacher was done talking to Travis, he assured me that I might need to practice with Adam. Now that both of our supposed duo's are absent, the both of us have to work together in order to keep touch of the dance. 

I didn't know what it was, but when I practised with Adam, it felt more pleasant than me performing with Travis. Monica would agree.

He also complimented my choreo as I trained the same steps. I didn't want to show it, so my expression was blank for the majority of the lesson. My mind crossed the thought of the words 'art competition'. 

I wasn't so confident on asking Adam for participation. I thought he might as well think I'm in denial for the dance group. But, I didn't want to suppress my true feelings for my biggest passion.

The teacher cut the music. 

"Okay! I just thought of an assignment for everyone to do. I want everyone to stick to your partner as of right now, and create your own choreography together as a duo. The best dance I picked will get a special prize.."

He hyped up most of us in the room as people got their head starts to their own performance. I had self-concerns about it 'til I rolled my eyes  over at Adam with his same old smile.

When the end of recess finally came, Me and Adam walked out of the room until I halted him back.

"Adam, can I tell you something?" I said with slight refusal in my tone.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Umm.. I'll just cut to the chase. I'm just not so sure about the dance we're doing, especially the assignment he just gave us."
Adam's expression went sort of hollow. It told me confusion.

"Why? Do you want to quit or something?" His voice gained a bit of tone.

"Well- no. I mean... yes. It's just that before the trials, I had another competition in mind. I really wanna do the art competition. And... You should probably leave my house soon cuz I don't know if you should live in my room anymore." I fidgeted with my hands.

"We just started the dance that is now a contest, and you wanna bail out on it? And I'm getting kicked out? You should've told me sooner." His temper felt a little more agitated.

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