Chapter 16

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Me and Adam practiced and practiced 'til we completed it and dropped like rag dolls. 

On the day of the assigned due date of the dance, I strolled down the hall to class until I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Travis.

I was slightly stunned of his presence.

"Oh- Travis!" I gasped. 

"Hey! It's been a while, huh?" He grinned widely.

"Yeah. I didn't know when you would come back."

We began walking together across the school hallway.
"So, um.. Why did you leave?" I asked him a little nervous.

"Uh.. heh. I um..." He seemed to struggle with his sentence.

"I-It's okay. You don't have to talk about it"

"...My mother was in a state of an asthmatic attack. Her asthma is very high, so when she had an attack, she stopped breathing for a little bit.." He confessed, with a blank face.

I was astounded of how well he coped with telling me about his traumatic sounding experience. It made me a bit appalled as my words couldn't speak after what he said.

He lightened the mood again saying. "It's okay. I know it's not something you wanna hear or experience. But, I'm glad that I'm back in school. That means I get to see you again!"

He unexpectingly wrapped his big arm around my shoulder with a more cheerful emotion showing. I nervously giggled, but it sounded charming and cute of him. After a few minutes, Monica jumped onto me. 

"Hey! So, are you performing for your dance teacher today?" She asked me very eagered.

"Uh, Yeah"  I replied, in a slight flustered tone.

Travis was a bit muddled, but ignored the subject. When Monica fleed to her class, I heard a voice in a distance behind me. I could spot the it was Adam's voice immediately.

When he caught up to my footsteps, it caught his attention that Travis was standing along my other side, forming a grim stare between the two..

After about 3 seconds of bitter glaring, I clear my throat to break the awkward silence. 

"Uh- Travis, me and Adam are gonna perform our choreography assignment. It's pretty much made to be a competition for the best one, so yeah.."

Travis rocked side to side. 

"Guess I missed the assignment." he smirked. Then he walked away, leaving me and Adam to go to our class.

"Are you prepared for our performance?" He asked me, as we walked to our lesson. 

"Uh, I guess.." I replied, nervously. 

"I'm not sure if we'll win though..."

He then cut me off saying. "Your self-consciousness is showing again", giggling. 


The time came for what felt like the biggest moment of my life. Monica found me walking into the performing room before I stepped inside. 

"Hey, Y/n! Can I watch you perform with Adam, pleeease?" She begged with puppy eyes. I gave into her pleading, and accepted her to be a part of the audience.

Everyone was prepared as they sat on the wooden floor. I was between Adam and Travis. Travis leaned sideways to my ear, "I look forward to seeing your dance bit" he complimented.

"Thanks.." I replied in a soft voice, feeling flustered. 

That compliement that he commented about me performing suddenly struck goosebumps. The thought of an audience watching and judging us had my brain spin around. I was a bit self-conscious.

"Your self-consciousness is showing again." 

I rethought about Adam's statement, reminding me that I shouldn't let my insecurity take over while performing. All I thought to have was confidence..

When about 4 groups finished their segment, it was chosen to be our turn as the last group. 


The end of it felt like I accomplished something extraordinary.

Every single person in the room clapped louder than I expected. Monica was the main one who was more excited. Travis clapped, but not in a very lively expression.

"Impressive! You two worked so hard" The teacher exaulted. 
I tried putting on my happiest face during that minute and a half of choreography. But, it wasn't a fake one.. It felt really real.

We finally settled and plopped back down in burnout and drippy skin with sweat. I was more exhausted then Adam looked, probably because I put more energy into it then our practicing.

 And the title of the song really gave me the idea since it's sort of themed about V (Taehyung). I picked it for a reason. 

Adam and I used our last bit of energy to fist bump each other. Travis' face was quite impassive.

The lesson was over, me and Adam were walking down for our next class. I was slightly timid as Adam was walking as casual. 

"What's wrong?" he asked me.

"I just don't really think that our dance is that spectacular to win."

I shrugged my shoulders. His body rotated to face me and bent to my height, gently but barely putting his hands on my cheeks.

"Hey. I'm sure that we can win." 

His eyes glared into mine with a simple smile, which caught my expression to be more flattered.

"Okay.." My head nodded very lightly when I spoke in a soft tone.

He got up, rubbing my head. With me not knowing that Travis was observing the scene narrowly. He probably wasn't at all close to happy.

When I had the class with Adam, I was resting on my artbook with an open blank page. My eyes were gazing at the corner of the roof, leaving me zoned out.

Adam asked me calmly. "So, do you have an idea for what you're gonna do for the art competition?"

My responce was delayed.

"..Well, I don't know. I guess my ideas are running low." I muttered. 

"You should do your realistic art. Because, I know that you're amazing at that" He gave a thumbs up at me. 

Thinking about it, I did do a lot of realistic art the last few months out of interest. So I suppose I could submit in something like that, but of what..?

My brain felt like it was gonna collapse. I didn't know what else to do for it, and its only due in more than a week. I kept my head facing down to my table, resting against my crossed arms.

Soon after, I felt a light sensation dripping down from my nostril. When my eyes opened to see a dark spot drop on my empty sheet of paper, I shot up with slight panic. Adam noticed it too..

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