Chapter 11

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Lunch started, and when I approached the rooftop doors, I was greeted by Diana. How lovely.

"It's great to see you again." She said in a sarcastic voice, as normal. My mind was carried away as I didn't pay attention to her. 

When I walked through the spacious rooftop, Diana shoved me to the floor again. Her sweaty hand slapped me across my face as she was slowly walking towards me crawling backward from her. 

My defense strategies were flimsy. Before she could grab ahold of me, I stumbled back on my feet for me to run away from the rooftop back to the downstairs.

When I lost sight of her, my feet slowed down from sprinting at full speed. I could suddenly see Monica run out of the classroom beside me and grabbed onto me with sobby eyes. 

"Y/n, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to tell Diana about Adam.. I.. I wasn't thinking on snitching on you..!" She cried aloud with few wet tears.

"It's okay. Just stay with me for the moment." 

I held my grip onto her hands as she nodded. We both were speed walking down the hall as, within each 20 seconds, I'd turn my head back to find Diana. Luckily, she wasn't following me anymore. Monica also got her composure.

As we turned a corner, I felt my body collide again Travis'. I was immediately stunned as Monica was too. 

"Hey! What you two doing?"

"Um- nothing. Just strolling around together" I lied without a second thought. 

Travis stood beside me. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come round my place and study for our next exam?".
I looked over at Monica and back at Travis. 

"Can Monica and.. Adam come as well?" I asked him while my voice soften by each word. He nodded to my question. Me and Monica smiled at each other. 

I assured Travis that I would tell Adam about it after school. Me and Monica then parted ways from Travis as he left off with a thin smirk on his face.

"Wow, I can't believe that cutie asked you to study with him!" Monica giggled at me.


My drawing in my sketchbook then brought up the question in my head. It was that moment I wanted to ask Adam about the study night at Travis' place.

"Hey Adam, So.. Travis asked me if I could study with Monica at his place in an hour or so. And I asked if you can come and he's cool with it. .. Are you interested in coming?" 

He didn't respond immediately, but his reply was appease. 

"Travis.. I guess I can go since you're going."

I gently ruffled his hair with a smile. He laughed at my sudden move. I asserted him to get ready as his house is a 10 minute walk. When we did get ready, we packed a few books in our backpacks and walked outside the front door.

I glanced his text message he sent of his address written on it. I verified Adam about the address and pointed out the direction of his house. 

Adam knocked at the door step. Within a few seconds, Travis answered the door, inviting us inside Monica was way ahead early. We both pounced into a warm hug. 

"Shall we get started?" Travis suggested. 

A few of us nodded with agreement. All of us assembled around a small circular table and had to sit on the floor. Travis sat next to me as Adam and Monica were sitting on the other end.

Our study books were placed down at the same time and began reading the revision for our exam. It felt quiet, but sentences of words came from Adam's mouth.

"Wow, y/n. You're really smart, you can write without looking at the answers!" He said with a surprised face.

"Thank you" I laughed. Travis pat my shoulder. 

"Maybe you should be the one tutoring us for this exam."

"Well, I can't necessarily tutor people... other than Adam.." I muttered the last part of the sentence when mentioning Adam.

"Yeah, y/n! You shoulder tutor us to be smarter!" Monica teased. I kept laughing at her sarcasticness. We snickered until we continued with the revision work.

Before anyone else peeped a word, Monica sighed in distress. 

"Ugh. This is kinda boring! Do you have any snacks in the cabinets?" She layed back lazily.

"I do have a few chip packets in the cabinet above the fridge"

Travis hopped up to grab an assortment of chip snacks and chucked it all on the one small table. I was a little refusal, but my stomach had barely gotten a good amount of food.

Majority of the snacks were half munched on and we were already off track with the work. When Travis held a mini box of pocky sticks, he turned his head to me with a smile. 

"Maybe we should try the pocky thing..?"

I could distinctly notice Adam's eyes roll up to Travis with a cold stare. I was stammering, figuring out what to say. But I somehow approved of it. 

Surely, he wouldn't get too close if I didn't want to. It was then that right as Travis pulled out a pocky stick, his eyes widened at me; in a startled way. 

I was bewildered by what they were seeing until I lightly touched the top of my lip near my nostrils. My nose was bleeding quite densely as my head struck an achy feeling.

Right as I noticed as well as Travis, Adam and Monica, Adam sprung up from the table as I assured them that I was okay.

"Y/n, you okay? Your nose is bleeding..!" Travis said worryingly.

He assisted his help, but Adam pulled me up and rushed me to the kitchen before Travis did anything else. 

It was strange how my nose randomly bled, whilst studying with my friends. My nose never bled like this!

Adam plucked out pieces of tissue to wipe the blood from my nose. My head flinched as I didn't take how gentle he was.

"Y/n, listen- listen to me..!" He grasped my cheeks. I felt the urge to shed tears from embarrassment. 

"Y/n, I have to tell you something. I found this book from the local library, and it had details about mythical items. The pencil that you've kept hold of, it won't last me long. And the consquences for me also can go to you, who drew me..." 

He exclaimed to me right as my eyes fled with tears. That remark that he made was something I didn't want to hear. 

"S-So.. if you have a time limit... and I keep letting you live until it happens... does that mean- I have one as well..?"

Adam looked into my eyes and didn't respond to what I questioned him. He pulled me into his chest in a soft embrace as my tears wept away on his jumper. 

"..It'll be okay. We'll talk more about it later..." He muffled with his mouth against my hair.

Travis' POV

The concern I had for y/n was quite sharp. I walked myself over to the kitchen where Adam dragged y/n to. I suddenly snuck behind a corner as I could listen to Adam and y/n. Their expressions and conversation sounded serious.

Y/n appeared to be crying, as Adam was holding her head and looking deeply into her eyes. My body shuffled an inch forward to see the proper view of the both of them. To my surprise, I saw Adam hug y/n with wet tears, affectionately.

There relationship sort of struck a nerve on me when it was clear to my vision that Adam was captivating her. It seemed to not change anything in me, other than y/n's panicked expression.

Seeing her sad about something that's got to do with Adam, I don't completely know how else to feel. 

I'm just... jealous..

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