Chapter Seventeen-Happy Ending

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I've never seen Ben or his friends again. I'm in a town with Stephany and Elli that is a state away from the one where I used to live at. I enrolled at another high school, and I've gotten some new friends. I'm even opening up more despite having those scars on my face. I have more friends, I'm happy. More than I ever was back at Eastwood. Stephany even adopted me before child services found out. I sometimes have nightmares of the corpses and him. Ben. BEN, really. The guy Bethany was head over heels for. It became clear to me a few days after I moved in. 

BEN and his friends were messing with me, trying to do something with me. Rake was doing whatever he wanted. BEN killed Gerald, and one of his friends killed Bethany. I've never turned him over to the police, they wouldn't believe me. At least I don't live in fear anymore. 

I feel a tap on my shoulder, and Maronica passes a note to me. I unfold it and read it. "Picnic at after school?" I turn my head towards her, flash a genuine smile, and nod. It feels like a long time before is school is over. I'm walking with about four girls and two boys, all of them are my friends. Nathan, George, Maronica, Summer, Ellison, and Helen. 

"What was that story you told us once, (Y/N)?" Helen asks. 

"Y'mean the one from when I was back at Eastwood?" I question.

"Yeah, that one," George answers. 

"Where was your mom through all that?" Maronica asks. 

"She died in a fire," I answer. "Why are you asking?" 

"Wait. We turn here," Nathan says. We turn a right into the park. 

We continue walking for a few more minutes until we find a spot on a hill to stop and set everything up. Four of us set down the patterned blanket and place the basket in the middle. We all sit down and start a new conversation. We sort of laugh about different things. This reminds me back when I was in Eastwood, before the fire. I had so many friends and I knew most of the students at the elementary school. Then, middle school came. I was so happy to meet new people, and I did. 

If things were different, what would've happened? Would Bethany have that obsession? Would Gerald, Bethany, and Catrina still be alive? Would Mom and Father have worked things out? Would BEN have left me alone and bother some other student? Or was he just interested in some teenager with a fucked-up life? Well, most of the pastas has fucked-up backstories, so I can see why. 

The sky turns a fiery red, yellow, and orange. Even some pink and purple, but orange is the dominant color. The sun slowly starts to set, the colors also fading to darker and darker tints of themselves. I smile as the sun is engulfed by the earth, some of the color still lingering before fading to black. We gather up everything and walk out of the park. A breeze cools down the hot evening air as I walk down the sidewalk with Monica, hand in hand. 

I arrive at my home, say bye to Monica, walk in to see Stephany and Elli sleeping in front of the TV, which is rolling end credits to the final episode of a show they've been watching for a few days. I find a blanket in the laundry room and spread it over the two before walking upstairs to my room. The former owner, Catrina, still has her presence known with a few things I decided not to throw away. An old jack-in-the-box that is covered with dust on the bookshelf, her favorite book next to it, and her missing poster of the box. 

I get a (f/c) tank top and (s/f/c) shorts, walk out of the room with a towel also, tiptoe to the bathroom, turn on the shower, wait for it to warm up as I put my things down, get out of my clothes, and step into the shower. After a few minutes, I step out, dry off with the towel, change into the tank top and shorts, walk back to my bedroom, put the clothes and towel into the laundry basket, and climb into bed. 

I think of Soccer, of how he ran away. I guess he finished his job with me and wants to do something else. Stephany and Elli suggested making signs, but I knew what he was doing, so I said "no, let him run free". 

I slowly drift off, remembering about everything from only thirty minutes earlier. Sitting next to Monica, watching the sunset with them, and walking next to her after leaving. I feel myself fade into a dream, remembering how the sunset changed color and soon fading to darkness. I feel happy, not just about today. 

I feel happy, because...

Everything's going to be just like this when I wake up. 


Word Count: 821

Games (BENDrownedXReader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora