Chapter Fifteen-The Warning

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Soccer keeps hissing at him. I don't know why, but Soccer just does, no matter how many times I tell him to stop. I'm just talking to a friend, stop being rude. Ben just ignores him and keeps talking as if Soccer isn't here, as if the hissing is just in his imagination. 

"I want to show you something. Follow me," Ben says, almost out of the blue. He grabs me by the wrist and starts walking. His pace is quick, so I have to speed-walk to keep up. We're at the park, the one with the woods, in fifteen minutes. He continues walking, dragging me behind him.

"What are we doing here?" I ask, trying to hide my fear as the memories play in my mind over and over. 

"Well, my friends and I found something interesting here, and I thought I should show you," Ben answers, continuing to drag me down the path. He stops, so I step next to him to see where we are. The training ground, but Catrina's body isn't here and there's no sign of burns or marks. "It's nice, isn't it?"

The scene sort of flashes before my eyes, the head hanging, the torso being eaten by maggots, the burn marks on the trees. My breathing becomes uneven, and Ben notices. He asks me if I'm okay, and I just answer with a nod. Where is her body? How did they find this place?

I want to ask him so many questions, but my thoughts become a blur. He sits on the fallen tree trunk, signaling me to sit next to him. I do, wobbly walking up to him and sitting next to him dizzily. He looks over at something, a dragonfly, and smiles at it. The dragonfly flies away, leaving us alone again. 

"I know what you found here," he says.

"What?" I ask.

"I said I know what you found here."

I wake up in a panic, my eyes quickly wandering from one thing to the next. I'm in a hospital, the same one Mom died in. Mrs. Vaine is sitting next to the bed I'm lying on, a shocked gasp as she realizes I'm awake. 

"Oh, thank goodness! (Y/N), do you know where you are?" she asks. I nod. "You fainted back at my house. We panicked, so I put you in the car and drove you to the hospital, where you are right now. A young man's outside. He said that he's your friend." 

There's a knock on the door, and Mrs. Vaine tells him to come in. Ben. He's here. Maybe what happened was a dream? Soccer was acting weird and so was Ben. Yeah, maybe it was a dream. 

"I'll leave you two alone," Mrs. Vaine sighs, getting up and walking to the door. She leaves, leaving me alone with Ben.

He smiles at me and continues babbling on about how worried he was and that he came as soon as he could. 

"You alright? You seem shaken up," he says, looking into my eyes. "Did you have a nightmare or something?"

"I have had some strange dreams, don't worry," I answer, trying to regain my composure. 

"Hmm. Tell me about it," he replies, his tone seems to be concerned now. 

"Well, in the dream, you were acting weird, so was Soccer. You took me to this place and told me something about knowing what I found there," I explain. "I wasn't even there before, so I don't know how I know that place."

"You know, dreams mess people up that way," Ben laughs, keeping a smile on his face. He's still acting weird, and this is reality. What the hell is going on?  "You said you had a cat in that dream. Soccer, right? I've never seen him before."

I remember that one time he found my address. Soccer was hiding in the attic and kept quiet throughout the time Ben was there. Soccer never liked him, not even for a second. Why? Ben never did anything to harm anyone. 

"He's real. I guess he just doesn't like you," I sigh, a small smile appearing on his face. "He'll come to like you. Don't worry."

When the doctor came in, Ben was ordered out of the room while she checked on me. She told me I'm free to go, so I'm out of the hospital and in Mrs. Vaine's car with Ben in five minutes. We pass the park, everything's still in place. Why did I dream that? It seemed so real, though. I was convinced that it was real life. 

We get to Mrs. Vaine's house, Mr. Vaine and Soccer waiting at the porch. As soon as he saw Ben, Soccer gets into a hiss-a-thon. He runs up to me and stays close to me, hissing whenever Ben tries to pet him or even come within five feet of Soccer. At least Ben knows who Soccer is now, right? That's a good thing, right?



Word Count: 819

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