Chapter Four-Giggle

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I walk towards the field, some of the track team already still here. I'm in the team uniform, colored yellow and red. Sometimes I get flashbacks of the fire just by looking at the uniforms, but it doesn't get in the way of my progress. It's only for procrastinating in going home or seeing that guy again. Yep. Still worried about a teenager I haven't seen for a whole week now. The coach arrives after five minutes, but we wait a few more minutes for the rest of the team to arrive. The last few to arrive is Cassy and her three friends. They always think they're the most important part of the team, saying that their appearances and "skill" is what helped the team get into the top five. 

Cassy has red hair, Savanah is blonde, Sarah is a brunette, and Bryleigh also is blonde with purple dyed ends. Cassy always has this smug face and is surrounded by her group 24/7. They often pick on me because I'm not really as popular as them. 

"Alright, team. Today's a usual training day. Twenty jumping jacks, ten seconds of high knees, and run or jog the rest of the training," Coach Shanon shouts, and then he blows his whistle for the exercise to start. He whistles again after eight jumping jacks. "Cassy, if you're going to be on the team, you need to do the exercises right."

We restart again, and again. Finally, we finish the jumping jacks and start the high knees. We all finish and run the laps for the rest of the two hours of training. We all start running or jogging around the track. The group just jogs a few feet behind me, throwing childish insults at me. All it does for me is make me run faster and away from them. They're half the track away from me by the time I slow down and look to see where they are. 

My eye catches a boy sitting on a bench, waiting for something. He doesn't have a green hoodie, so I don't worry about him. I continue running until the end of the training, in which we gather around Coach Shanon. He just gives us a "great job" and a pep talk. I walk away from the group and start my walk to the girls' locker room. I switch out into my black shirt, jeans, and (F/C) hoodie. I send Mrs. Veret a text of where I'm going, Postello's Arcade, and remind her that they can track me on the phone in case I don't come back by ten. I walk out of the locker room, carrying my bag and focused on putting the phone into the pocket. I bump into someone, and we both fall. My phone flies out of my hand and drops onto the floor. The person reaches for it and takes it. I look up to see the student, it's the boy in the green hoodie again. 

"Sorry, should've looked where I was going," he laughs, handing my phone to me. The boys' locker room is a little further down the thin hall, but it doesn't make sense on why he's here. After school. I just nod, take the phone, put it deep into my backpack, get up, and walk out of the gym. Leaving the stranger with no reply. He just gets up, gets his things, and walks right next to me. "I-uh-saw you at Postello's and I was going to walk there. Where are you heading?"

I look over at the track schedule to see if anything's going to happen over the weekend. The boy seems focused on the boys' basketball team schedule. After a few minutes, I decide to talk.

"Are you apart of the basketball team?" I ask, the boy jumping at the sound of my voice. 

"Yeah. It's just to kill some time and have fun," he answers, laughing a little and showing a bright smile. That explains why he's here. It's just that he isn't in the uniform the basketball team wear, red and yellow, but in a different pattern and there's a basketball on the front. "You're good at Skee-Ball, huh?"

"Yeah," I laugh, scratching the back of my neck in a sort of anxiety. "I used to play it with my mom every time we went there."

He looks at me when I say that but doesn't say anything about it. He just... seems to be scanning my face. I eventually just put the hood over my head to block his view of the right side of my face, and I finally feel comfortable. I hear him giggle, and that just starts to scare me. Where did I hear that before? Where in the fuck did I hear that giggle? 


Word Count:794

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