Chapter Eleven-What She Was Hiding in the Locked Room

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I know the characters here are OOC (Out of Character) but I kinda enjoy giving them alternate personalites QwQ


Ben's POV 

I open one of my eyes as I hear (Y/N) open the attic trapdoor instead of going the vacant bedroom. Jeff kept bragging about hunting down a teenager who actually put up a fight, but I didn't listen. I was too busy looking at the screen. He then mentioned of hunting down the boy who got away, who Rake couldn't catch as he was too busy with slicing a victim to pieces. When he mentioned the address, I had to run down here and keep guard. Gerald, (Y/N)'s perverted friend, is coming today, just later. In the night. In the rain. To kidnap (Y/N). 

How did I get all this? He mentioned it to another friend of his, they're both on the basketball team, the same team as me. So I took care of him. I guess I'm getting attached to a victim. Slenderman asked one of the proxies to supervise me today on the progress, so Toby's outside. In the rain. Looking like he's trying to kill himself by freezing to death. He's also interested in (Y/N), even though he'll never admit it. 

I jump off the couch, turn into my real form, and float across the hall, right into the locked bedroom. The room was turned into an investigation board, string lining the photos and posters like a web of red. That friend of hers, Bethany, the photographer. The girl Toby had to chase out the woods. His photo is right there, next to her bed, with a paper chock full of information on him. What was (Y/N) doing with this stuff though? 

I scan the room to see other photos of pastas, most of them, pinned on the wall, ceiling, and floor. Some of them don't have paper to show the viewer information, like LJ's, Masky's, and Hoodie's. Perhaps the girl didn't know where to find us on the web or couldn't find information on them. Then again, I've seen (Y/N) walk in here and stay on the bed for hours, reading information and gathering it for something. 

I find mine right on top of Bethany's pillow, pinned on there like the others, but a heart outlining the photo me's head. What the hell was she planning? I unpin the paper next to it and scan the information on there and turn it over to see the words "WILL BE MINE" on the back of the page. I feel myself freeze up at the realization. I'm in the bedroom of a deceased fangirl. 

I pin the paper back on the wall and float out of the room quickly, hearing creaking above. I get back to the coach and lie down, turning back into human form. (Y/N) doesn't come out of the attic, she just walks around, looking for something. I hear Toby tap on the kitchen window, so I tiptoe over and unlock it. 

"Wh-What did you se-ee in there?" he asks, confusion filling his voice. 

"(Y/N)'s living with a fangirl," I answer. 


Word Count: 516

Sorry this one's short 

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