14. William's Study...Again

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You awoke back in your bed, your head hurting and your body stiff. Everyday you just wished you didn't wake up at this point, and yet you still did. Why was William even letting you live? What was so special about you that was enough for him to keep you alive? Was it just because you worked there? You sighed and just thought of something else- and you were instantly hit with memories of what happened yesterday.

Flashes of the bloody, tortured and mutilated child who you had only been seen a few days before, the one who asked so joyfully about your arm, was now dead. Maybe even stuffed in one of the animatronics by now like that other kid with Bonnie.

"God... Why..." You grumbled, hiding your face in your hands. You layed there for a moment before removing your hands and blankly staring at them. Wait a minute- You quickly got up and looked down at your clothes.. They're clean..

Did William change your clothes for you? Does that mean he saw you naked?- Your face went abit red in embarrassment knowing that he has now most likely seen you stripped of clothes, but then again there were things that you should be more concerned about.

You searched for your phone but couldn't find it.

"Damn you, William." You muttered under your breath, turning towards the door. He probably took it from you so you couldn't call the police.

Sighing, you opened the door and went downstairs to see William preparing breakfast. He looked over at you and smiled, however you just frowned back at him and turned away, about to walk off when the ginger haired girl runs up to you with a makeup set.

"Michael wouldn't let me put makeup on him" Elizabeth pouted. "So can I put makeup on you!?"

"Uh.. No thanks." You backed away a little. You weren't a big fan of makeup honestly.

"Pretty pleaseeeee" She begged, looking up at you with large puppy-like eyes.

"Later then.." You sighed.

"YAY! Thank you!" She smiled and ran to table as William called out to her.

You looked around for a moment. Considering you've spent most of your time in the guest room, you haven't necessarily interacted with most of the children in the household- Nor have you really looked at any of the rooms much.

William silently sneaked up behind you and tapped you on the shoulder, causing you to jump abit in surprise.

He chuckled at the flinch. "Breakfast is ready."

"Uhh.. No thanks.. I'm not hungry." Honestly, that was a lie, but God knows if William would have poisoned your portion or not- And you weren't going to take any chances.

William stared at you blankly. "Suit yourself then." He shrugged and walked upstairs, calling for two other kids named Evan and Michael. It didn't take long for them to walk down the stairs.

The older one, who you presumed was Michael, didn't pay you any attention. The younger one, Evan, looked up at you for a moment with wide eyes before quickly scurrying to the table- Hugging that same golden bear plushie.

You waited for William to come back downstairs before you headed back upstairs into the guest room. You shut the door and sat down on the edge of the bed, just thinking.. You need to escape, but how? Maybe you should find your phone, or just any phone in general, and call the police.. But even if you did call the police, how would you explain to them that your fingerprints were on that murder weapon, and how would you explain to them that you waited until now to contact them. A life could have been saved of you didn't be such a coward.

You were suddenly broke off by your train of thoughts when William spoke, leaning against the doorway.

"My study, now."

"Why?" You asked, looking over at him.

"Don't ask questions.. Just come." And then he just walked away.

You sighed and got up, heading to William's study. Oddly enough, you didn't see any of the kids when on your way, but maybe they were just in their rooms. You shrugged and arrived at William's study, entering.

William wasn't here yet and so you looked around for a moment, approaching the desk that had a few documents and newspapers scattered on it. One of the newspapers have the picture of a kid on it and was titled 'missing kid'.

You heard some footsteps and the door suddenly closed. You quickly turned around and saw William. He stood infront of you now.

You eyed him cautiously, abit worried that he might do anything. "Well.. What do you need to talk to me about?"

"Well.. You need to repay me, and I've thought of a way you can repay me."

"Repay you for what? Forcing me to kill a child." You spat, crossing your arms.

"No silly.. For you trying to stab me yesterday.. Don't tell me you forgot."

"I didn't forget."

"But I bet you want to." He said, leaning forwards.

You leaned backwards, trying to keep somewhat of a distance. "..Can you not do that??"

"Oh? Why shouldn't I? Am I not allowed to?" William said, stopping and pulling away from you.

You wasn't sure what else to say really. "It makes you seem like you want to fuck me or something." You instantly regretted saying that- You definitely could have worded that alot better.

William's eyes widened, and then he grinned. He swiftly pinned you to the desk behind you, pinning your hands above your head. William brought his face closer and hovered there.

"Out of everything you could have possibly thought of.. You thought that?" He said, amused in a way. "But what would you do if I admitted that I want to?" William smirked, looking down at you.

Your face flushed red, both embarrassment and abit blush. You had to admit, you found this abit attractive, but he was a murderer! Why were you even letting him put you in such a vulnerable state again?

"Then- Errr-" You couldn't think properly considering your mind was racing with all the probabilities of what could happen right now. You just struggled, trying to free your hands and ultimately just yourself from rhis situation.

"Come on.. I know you are enjoying this right now.. Your face says it all."

"Even if I did enjoy this, I would never do such things with a murderer!"

"Or would you?"

A/N - Okay but should they do "it" in the next chapter or should they not? Also dayum I've been on a chapter spree with this lmfao.

' 𝙱𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝚈 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙴𝚁𝚈 ' | A William Afton x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now