13. Now we're equal!~

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You dreaded to wake up, but you had to anyway. It was the usual morning where you took a shower, got changed into your uniform, ate, and then got in William's car and got drove to work.

This time however would be very different.

William and you greeted Henry who seemed to arrive at the same time as you both.

The day went as usual with nothing going wrong. It was a few minutes after closing time when William beckoned for you to follow him, and so you reluctantly did.

You both walked past the Main Stage, a star-patterned red curtain hanging closed, hiding away the 3 main animatronics from sight.

You were lead to Parts and Service before suddenly you were blinded by something- A cloth- A blindfold. You struggled, trying to force it off but failing.

"Stop panicking.. You'll only make it worse." William grumbled as you were suddenly picked up, surprisingly with ease too.

You suddenly stopped struggling and held as still as you possibly could as you didn't want to get dropped. What the fuck do you do now though?

"Ha.. Now you're being obedient. Cute." William snickered.

Resisting the urge to hit William, you sighed and just let him take you wherever he was taking you. William put you down, allowing you to stand on your own.

"Where have you brought me?"

"Take off the blindfold and you'll see~"

You quickly ripped the blindfold off and just froze at the sight you saw.

"Oh my god.. What the fuck did you do?.." You stared, absolutely horrified.

There you could see a mutilated and tortured child, crying but not screaming.

"Do you like it?~" William smirked, appearing right behind you and placing his hands on your shoulders.

"N-No-" You stuttered, staring at the kid in shock.. This kid.. This was the kid you were searching for yesterday...

"Come on.. Don't just stand there.. Put her out of her misery." William slipped a bloody knife into your hand, clasping his own hand around your hand and forcing you to hold it. "..Or do you need help?"

"No- I'm not going to do this- I'm not a murderer!" You hissed, trying to shake William off.

William forced you forwards, walking right behind you and forcing you to hold the knife. He reached forward, your hand being dragged with his.

"William- Don't-"

"You can't stop me. You aren't even fighting back much.. Maybe you're enjoying this just as much as me~" William smirked, his hand tightening around yours.

"No.... Please.. No.." You tried to drop the knife but couldn't. Suddenly, William jerked your hand forward at the child, forcing the sharp blade through the kid's throat with ease.

The child's throat and mouth was quickly filled with blood, a gurgling sound coming from her. She writhed in pain, instantly grabbing onto you like a leech, unable to breathe as her oxygen-starved body quickly started to shut down.

"No no no- Stop- Please- No-" You sobbed.

William let go of you and stepped away, just watching from behind.

You instantly dropped the knife and collapsed onto the floor, grabbing the child and hugging her tightly.

"No.. Not again.. No.." You sobbed. The child fell limp in your arms as you continued to hug her, blood gushing onto and staining your clean shirt.

You sat there with the child for what felt like forever before speaking. "How could you..?" You slowly looked up, turning around abit to look at William.

"If you didn't disobey me then I wouldn't have hurt her.. You brought this upon yourself."

"You were the reason she disappeared.. YOU KILLED HER!"

William smirked. "We both killed her."

Your eyes widened as you just stared at William. "But... I didn't..."

"You held the knife." He said as his smirk continued to widen. He knelt down and caressed your cheek, wiping abit of blood off.

"You even have her blood on your shirt and face, and yet I have none.."

You shakily let go of the child, letting her limp body lifelessly slump onto the floor as you grabbed the knife and slowly stood back up.

William just watched you with a devious smile.

You suddenly lunged forward, thrusting the knife towards William. However, you underestimated his reflexes as he quickly grabbed your wrist and twisted it. You screamed in pain, instantly letting go of the knife.

William caught the knife and swiftly pinned you against the wall, resting the knife against your throat.

"You tried to stab me.. Are you sure you aren't a murderer too?" He said, digging the knife into your throat slightly.

You gasped, squirming. You needed to get away, like right now, but how?

"Heh.. You're lucky I like you enough to keep you alive.. Or else you would have replaced that kid." William looked you up and down. "And I think you need to repay me for what you just tried to do.."

He hit you on the side of your head, causing you to be dazed. He then heaved you up and carried you bridal style. You struggled to fight back as you just felt incredibly weak and vulnerable right now.

All you could do now was think about what just happened.. And what might happen now.. How would William make you repay?

A/N - Anyone wanna take a guess at how William will make Y/N repay?

' 𝙱𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝚈 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙴𝚁𝚈 ' | A William Afton x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now