9. Home?

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Slowly opening your eyes, you were blinded by some painfully bright lights, causing you to squint. You tried to lift your arms to cover your eyes, but only one would move properly. The other.. Well, it was bandaged up and there was some weird robotic stuff on it.

"Where am I?.." You said with a hoarse voice, managing to sit up on the couch despite how weak you felt.

No one responded. Maybe no one is here? You were all alone. Was this heaven? Is this why it is so bright?

You took a few moments to regain full vision, and then you realised that this must be someone's house, but whose? Trying to think clearly, you recalled what happened before you blacked out. You struggled to remember, but what you did recall was that some guy put you in his car and was driving you to the hospital or something. Huh, it seems like you were unconscious throughout that entire hospital visit then.

You tried to stand up but your legs felt weak.

"Shit-" You muttered under your breath, grabbing onto whatever was near you for support. One of your legs were bandaged up. Huh, you must have somehow injured that too then.

"Come on.. Sit back down. Putting too much weight on that leg of yours for too long will stump the healing process.." Said a thick british voice from behind as hands carefully wrapped around you and gently pulled you back onto the couch.

"Who are you?.." You tried to see who it was but struggled.

"Oh, you don't remember me?.. That's sad.. It's me, William. You blacked out when I was driving you to the hospital." William then paused for a moment before reluctantly speaking again. "Do you happen to remember anything that occurred before? Do you know why you are bandaged up?" William said as he walked around the couch and stepped infront of you, gazing down at you.

You shook your head as you returned the gaze back up at him.

"Hm, okay.. Here, let me go and make you some food. You are probably starving right now." William said with a warm smile.

"Wait, where am I?"

"You're at my house. Simple." And with that, William walked off to the kitchen.

You had many other questions to ask, and one of the main questions was why the fuck was there metal and some weird robotic stuff and technology all over your arm. You sighed and decided that you will just ask that later. Atleast you didn't have to get your arm amputated or anything.


William soon arrived with some soup.
Good soup 👍🤩👍


After accepting the soup and eating it, William walked back to the kitchen to wash the bowl and spoon. You took the alone time to observe your surroundings. You were in some living room of some sort and sat on a couch. No shit sherlock, you thought to yourself. You heard some footsteps behind you, but they were rather light. They couldn't be William's.

You strained your neck and turned abit to see who it was. A little girl? Is she William's kid?

"Uhm.. Hey?"

The child spun around and looked at you, her face quickly brightening in excitement.

"Ohhh, daddy brought a man home! I knew it! I knew it!" She squealed in excitement, jumping up and down.

You stared at her, very confused. What was she on about?

"No Elizabeth.. It's not like that." William said as he walked up to Elizabeth and pat her on the shoulder. "He is just a friend who got hurt, that's all. He will be staying with us for awhile."

"I am?" You spoke up, now just even more confused. You never agreed to this!

"Yes, yes you are."


William quickly cut you off. "The decision has been made, Y/N, and it is final."

"But what about my home?-"

"This is your home now. Everything else is none of your concern, I'll take care of it."

You just stared at William. First this happens and now you're going to be stuck with him!?

"Daddy, can Y/N play dollies with me!?" Elizabeth looked up at William excitedly.

"No, not yet.. He still needs to recover. Maybe tomorrow if he wants to."

"Oh, okay." Elizabeth pouted for a moment before cheerfully jogging upstairs, loudly singing a song that you have never heard of before.

"You should go to sleep." William said, gently placing a hand against your chest and pushing you back down onto the couch.

"But I'm not tired-" You spoke, stating up at him.

"Sleep." William said once more, his voice getting harsher. He grabbed a blanket and put it over you.

You slowly nodded, not daring to try and argue otherwise. He smiled and turned away, quickly striding into some other room.

You barely even registered what happened just then. Your brain was probably in some sort of daze or trance right now, struggling to process anything after the initial shock of what happened before. You probably wouldn't even remember today by the time tomorrow comes.

You thought to yourself for a few moments.. Why was William acting so weird? What happened before? Was it because of that? Argh, why couldn't you remember? Was he just concerned about you or was it something else? -It hurts just trying to think about it. Maybe you should sleep.. Yeah, you should. That will clear your mind. You snuggled up into the blanket, trying to get comfortable, and soon enough you managed to sleep..

926 Word Count
First Published - 11/04/22

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