7. The Third Night - The Body in the Suit

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You arrived earlier than usual at the pizzeria, it seemed so lifeless and dull right now. There was no sign of life anywhere, except for of course the road that was not too far away; a few cars passing by every now and then, probably some people on their way home after work to rest. There also seemed to be a parked car that illuminated purple in the street lights.

You sighed deeply, your hand slipping into the pocket of your jacket and taking the keys that William had gave you out of the pocket. You fumbled with them for a few moments before finding the key labelled "main entrance" and slipping the key into the keyhole. You twisted it and, of course, the door clicked opened. You walked into the pizzeria, locking the door behind you, just the usual protocols- Eh.

You knew that what you were about to do now went against what William had told you to do, but for some reason you felt drawn to know what it was. The curiosity building up in you was just too intense to ignore. Why was William so insistent on you not knowing what it was? You recalled at how as soon as your shift ended, William hastily led you out of the establishment and shut the door in an instant, leaving you outside alone in the darkness.

You walked to the Parts and Services room, passing by the animatronics. Freddy, Chica and ... Huh, Bonnie was gone. Maybe he was getting repaired? Freddy and Chica stared at you as you walked by, or atleast it seemed like it anyway.. Their eyes just followed you, but maybe it was just an illusion. God.. They look terrifying in the dimly lit pizzeria. They should make a horror attraction where people come at night and have to escape the animatronics. You chuckled at that thought, just teenagers screaming and running around, trying to run from Freddy Fazbear as his slow but heavy footsteps could be heard from awhile away.. Sort of like your job really, just without the comfort of the office.

It was a rather funny thought at first, but it very quickly dawned on you that these were killer machines. They would kill you if they had the chance. That's all they were good for when it was dark.

You forcefully brushed the thought away and tested the door handle for Parts and Services. As you predicted, it was locked. It wasn't long before you managed to unlock it and push open the rather squeaky door.

"Geez.. Is there a light somewhere? It's way too dark in here." You said in a hushed voice, rather wary of if something alive was in there.

One of your hands traced the wall, searching for a light switch. Your hand searched blindly for a few seconds before it eventually found one and flipped it on. The lights were delayed and flickered abit, but they eventually lit the room up enough for you to see.

Your facial expression suddenly darkened, your eyes wide.. Why was there blood on the floor? Why was there blood on Bonnie?- You were suddenly broke off from your train of thoughts by a small groan. It came from the suit.

Unsure of what to do, you took a step backwards to the door.. Just then, you heard a small voice.

"Help.." The small voice managed to croak. Bonnie shifted slightly, his head turning abit to try and look behind him. The rest of his body groaned in protest and began leaning abit more to the side.

"What happened.. Who are you?..." You stared at Bonnie, frozen to the spot and uncertain on if you should just run away as if it was the end of the world.

A small sob came from Bonnie as whoever it was tried to speak, but it was too croaky and hoarse that you could not understand what it was saying.

Your gut was telling you to run but your brain decided otherwise.. Maybe you could help it? "Look- I'll get you out of here, okay?" You said as your feet cautiously dragged you closer and closer to Bonnie.

"Please- Please dont hurt me! I want to go home!" The voice suddenly cried out and then burst into a fit of coughing. Bonnie leaned dangerously forward, almost on the verge of falling off the table and crashing onto the floor.

' 𝙱𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝚈 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙴𝚁𝚈 ' | A William Afton x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now