Hoseok ♡ Plus-One [request]

Começar do início

Eventually, you started to zone out, your eyes staring off as you mindlessly sipped your drink, dancing slightly to the rhythmic beats filling the vast space.
Little did you know, someone across the room had spotted you, his jaw nearly dropping at the sight of you.
Who is she? The man thought to himself.
Without thinking he started making his way over, giving quick waves to friends and attendees as he passed, all the while you were oblivious to it all until he came to a stop in front of you.
You blinked a few times, inwardly startled by his sudden presence, your breath catching in your throat.
"Oh wow. Hoseok."
He flashed that signature bright smile you'd only seen pictures of, the sight even more beautiful in person. "I didn't mean to startle you."
"You didn't." You lied. "I was just zoned out."
"I don't think we've met before. What's your name?"
"I'm Y/n. I'm Jessi's plus-one."
"Ah. It's nice to meet you, Y/n. What are you doing all the way over here?"
"Just trying to lay low, I guess." You chuckled awkwardly.
"Lay low? This is a party. You should be dancing."
"I'm not very good at it."
"As long as you're having fun, that's all that matters."
"Eh." You shrugged.
"Come on." He held his hand out.
You stared at his open palm, your heart hammering in your chest, or maybe it was the bass from the music. You weren't sure.
This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and something in you said screw it, have fun, so you threw back the remainder of your drink and tossed the cup into a nearby trash can before taking hold of Hoseok's hand and allowing him to lead you to the middle of the room.

An upbeat pop song with heavy bass bumped through the large speakers, the multicolored lights flickering to the beat as the clusters of people scattered about the room bounced along. Hoseok immediately started dancing, each movement fluid like water. He made everything look so easy and he was so carefree while doing so. You wishes you could be like that.
When he noticed you hadn't moved, he grabbed your hands and tugged you towards him, swinging your arms in an attempt to make you dance. You cracked a smile and began to meekly sway your hips to the music, not really putting much effort into it, as you still felt uncomfortable.
"C'mon you can do better than that."
You put a little more feeling into it, to which he urged you to keep going.
Hoseok could see you still weren't fully letting yourself go, still just putting a minimum amount of effort into your movements.
"Come on, Y/n." He encouraged while bouncing up and down.
You decided to copy him and jump with him, getting more into it as you progressed.
"That's it!" He beamed.
You weren't sure what happened, but at some point you stopped caring, allowing yourself to fully let loose and dance to your heart's content, not focused on anything except how much fun you were having. You started doing one particularly goofy dance shimmying your shoulders and making Hoseok laugh joyfully in the process as he mimicked your movements.

More, one of the pre-released songs from his solo album started playing, causing you to point excitedly at the speakers in the room, shouting, "I love this song!" to him before mouthing the words. He was impressed and bobbed his head to the beat while bouncing in place, hyping you up as he sang along as well. When it got to the chorus, you started headbanging with the beat, Hoseok following suit, loving your energy.
The two of you were having the time of your lives and Hoseok couldn't help but wonder where you had been all this time and why he couldn't have met you sooner.
He wasn't sure what drew him to you in the first place, he merely spotted you from across the room, your presence alone grabbing all of his attention. You were stunning and appeared to be in your own little world while you barely moved your hips to the music, your index finger absentmindedly tapping on your cup. He hadn't seen you before and felt like he had to approach you and strike up a conversation. Now, he's glad he did.

Some people seemed to be paying attention to the both of you, especially Hoseok since it was his song playing, however, he paid no mind to them. All of his attention was focused on you as he sang along and bobbed his head.
The song came to an end, another upbeat one followed, filling the room with loud, thumping bass. You huffed as all the dancing you did caught up to you.
"Need a break?" Hoseok asked, sounding out of breath but not looking tired in the slightest.
You nodded.
He guided you over to a small sitting area in the room, gesturing for you to sit with him on an empty couch. You happily obliged, leaning back into the cushions, feeling relief in your feet and legs.
"That was fun." You admitted.
"It was. I haven't danced like that with anyone in a long time."
"I never said this earlier but I'm a big fan." You admitted.
Hoseok's face lit up. "You are?"
"Of course. It's hard not to be. You and your group are so talented and this new album of yours is going to be so good. From what I've heard so far the vibes are completely different from Hope World. Let me tell you, I would have never expected you to release something as edgy as More. That song and music video had me speechless." You went on, accidentally letting your fangirl side show, this realization making you clear your throat out of embarrassment. "Sorry."
"No, no." He shook his head, waving his hand dismissively while simultaneously fighting back a grin. "I enjoy hearing your opinions. In fact, I'm looking forward to seeing your reaction when the rest of the songs play. I curated a nice mix of all my songs and tossed in a few of my favorites from other artists just to keep things interesting."
He wasn't lying. Hearing you gush about his music and the new concept made his heart flip.
"Is it weird having your songs played at your own party?" You asked. "I know this is a listening party for your album, but is it not weird?"
"I've gotten used to it." He shrugged, glancing around the room, his brows tugging together as a small pout graced his lips. "Where's Jessi?"
"Oh, she went off to talk with Hyuna. She's around here somewhere." You gestured vaguely to the large mass of people. "If she saw me now she'd be over the moon. I was feeling so out of place when I stepped in here and she tried to encourage me but it wasn't working. That's why I was standing away from the crowd."
"Then I pulled you away."
"Honestly, I'm glad you did. This is so much more fun than standing."
Hoseok smiled, happy to hear that he was able to make your night more enjoyable.
"Hey, there's a photo booth over here." He gestured to a setup with a background that looked like the inside of a checkered box. "If you wanted to, we could get some photos together."
The idea of that made your heart jump with excitement. "I'd love to."
Hoseok took your hand, making your heart leap into your throat as he led you over to the Jack In The Box themed setup.

He stood on a spot marked by tape on the floor, pulling you next to him. You posed for the photo only to have him laugh at you.
"You look stiff and you're too far away. Come here." He tugged you closer, removing the small space between your shoulders.
Trying not to let your flustered state show, you posed with him, letting the photographer snap a few photos.
Afterwards, you followed Hoseok to the bar where he ordered a drink, asking if you wanted anything to which you told him your usual order.
"Would you be willing to get back out on the dance floor after this?" He asked as the bartender mixed your drinks.
"I would."
Hoseok flashed a gleeful smile in response.
"I know the night isn't over yet, but would it be okay if I got your number?"
Pushing down your shock and disbelief, you nodded.
"Of course."
Hoseok pulled his phone from his pocket, typing in your number as you recited it.
"I'll text you later tonight so you have mine too." He said just as the bartender slid your drinks in front of you.
Hoseok grabbed his glass, making you reach for yours as well.
"Should we toast?"
"To what?" You inquired.
"To having fun and coming out of your shell."
You smiled at that, raising your glass.
"I'll toast to that."

Man... the Jack In The Box listening party was WILD. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing party boy Hoseok.
Idk why they sent him to the military. He already served /j

On a serious note, I'm really proud of them for choosing to follow through with enlistment despite their status. It's very humble and admirable of them. Though, it'll still hurt seeing the rest of the members go one by one. I'll be looking forward to the day they're all back together again 🥲

BTS Imagines 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora