Drunk Lance/10 Things I Hate About You

Start from the beginning

They arrived at Lance's apartment and they went to the elevator. Lance looked around,"This reminds of when we were locked in together in the elevator at the pool, remember?" Keith hummed,"Yeah." The door opened and Lance stumbled out, Keith reached out for him,"Lance, don't-" Lance walked like a hobbling, hopping, penguin. Keith sighed when he crashed into the door headfirst.

He mumbled angrily into the door,"Number 7! I hate the way you seem to read my mind sometimes and say what I want to say. Think like how I think." He turned around and glanced at him with  a skeptical stare,"It's unfair." Keith sighed and stretched out his hand,"Keys." Lance fished through his pocket at threw the keys at his face. Keith grumbled as he opened the door. Keith gently pushed Lance into the room and Lance flopped on the couch,"Mm'thristy." Keith went to the kitchen to grab him some water, thinking while the faucet ran into the cup. He went back into the living room and slowly sat Lance up, placing the cup gently in his hands and helping him drink. 

Once Lance finished he mumbled,"Number 8! Your emo style." Keith grabbed the cup and placed it on the desk next to the couch and laid Lance down, placing the baby blue blanket on top of him. "Rest now, Lance." Lance groaned and his nose wrinkled,"Not yet. You somehow managed to look good in your stupid black and red clothes." Keith huffed, this time with a small chuckle and Lance reached up and tucked a hair strand behind his ear,"Number 9." It was barely a whisper,"I hate that you're so amazing and accomplished. You can literally do anything. Nothing can stop you from moving forward." Keith's breathing hitched. 

The pads of Lance's fingers lightly brushed his red lips and trailed over his jawline, behind his ear and on his shoulder," Number 10, I hate how pretty you are. Your soft lips, your sharp jawline, beautiful strong body. Your delicate eyebrows and..." Keith placed a hand over Lance's hand, which came up to hold his cheek,"Lance, you need to go to sleep. You're not thinking well." Lance continued mumbling, "and...your...lips." Keith sighed softly,"Lance, not right now just rest easy-"

He was cut off by a warm pair of lips, open and parted against his. Keith flinched but didn't move and Lance tilted his head, arms wrapping around his neck. He tasted bittersweet, like wine and drinks. It was addicting. Keith's hands gripped onto the couch, hands clutching the fabric felling the push and pull of their lips. Lance pulled away and Keith murmured softly,"Lance-" Lance kissed him softly again to cut him off and pulled away, looking at his lips then into his eyes, looking desperate almost,"11... I hate that I love you." Keith let out a shudder and rested his forehead on Lance's shoulder,"Lance.." Lance hummed and kissed him again,"You know it's true. Don't you see how I look at you, want you? So badly?" Keith shook his head gently and Lance cupped his cheeks," I-I can't...you're drunk." Lance hummed and murmured,"Number 12." Keith opened his eyes and mumbled quietly,"Lance, that's more than ten already, don't-" Lance cut him off with another kiss, not seeming to get enough. " I hate that all these things I said were really what I love about you and that I can go on forever."

Lance kissed him again with another hot searing kiss and relaxed, letting his body fall onto the couch. His eyes closed and when Keith pulled away he let out a 'mphm'. His eyes closed and the only thing he could remember was Keith walking out he door saying,"Good night, Lance."


Keith woke up to the sound of the ringing on his phone. Well, he didn't actually wake up (who does that?)He didn't sleep(sleep, what's sleep?) the entire night (sound familiar?). He rubbed his eyes and sighed deeply as he picked up the phone.

It was Lance.

He threw the phone across the room, and the damn thing still didn't stop ringing. He groaned and got out of bed, nervous to even walk over to the phone. What did Lance want? Was he mad? Was he sad? Did he mean what he said, or was he embarrassed? With one quick breath, he snatched up the phone and pressed the green button. 

"KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEITTTTTTHHHHHHHHH..........MY HEAD HURTSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I need someone over here, right nowwwwwwwwwwwwww..." Keith let out a disappointed sighed,"Yeah, yeah okay. I'm coming." Lance huffed,"Hurry your ass over here. I can't find the damn ibuprofen." Keith nodded,"Alright then, drink small sips of water till I come, got it?" Lance murmured a small 'yeah' and hung up. Keith got dressed quickly and brushed his teeth, then brushed his hair once and left toward Lance's apartment, following the address Hunk sent him last night on his motorcycle. 

When he arrived, the door was already slightly opened and Keith frowned. Did Lance leave the door open so Keith could come in? What if random people just walked in too? Keith shook his head, and walked in. Lance laid on the couch, ice pack on his head and snuggled into his baby blue blanket. Keith walked over and picked up the ice pack,"H-Hey. Any better?" Lance murmured,"Kinda. A little." Keith sighed,"Where did you look in for the ibuprofen?" Lance groaned,"In all the cabinets, the pantry, everywhere." Keith hummed,"Did you think that maybe you put it in somewhere unusual when you were drunk." Lance took a minutes,"Check the freezer." Keith walked over to the kitchen and into the freezer was indeed the ibuprofen green pills. He grabbed two and a cup of water then gave it to Lance, who chugged it down. "Not that fast, Lance. Calm down." Lance sighed and sat up a bit more,"I-I am calm." Keith froze. Lance seemed to be hiding something. He remembered, didn't he?

"Do you remember anything?" Lance sighed and finally gave up, hands flying up in the air and dropping like weights to his side,"NO! Not a thing and it's so frustrating because I don't know what stupid things I said. All I know is that you took me home and that's it." Keith sat on the couch, right next to him,"Hm." Lance glared at him,"Hm? Hm?! Keith!" Lance clutched on Keith's red and black flannel,"What happened last night when you took me home?" Keith closed his eyes shut and sighed deeply, then opened his eyes again and looked at Lance,"You really don't remember?" Lance shook his head, eyes pleading with him. Keith let out a half-laugh half-sigh,"You listed down all the ten things you hated about me." Lance groaned and bumped his forehead on Keith's shoulder,"Oh God. Keith, man..I-I didn't mean any-" Keith laughed,"And you added plus two reasons." Lance groaned again, louder this time. And Keith looked over and grinned at him,"The last reason was that you could go on forever." Lance grabbed his blanket and screamed into it. When Lance was done he looked at Keith,"Keith, I would never hate you, okay? I didn't mean anything about what I said. I don't hate you...I never could." Keith felt his face flush. Did Lance really..

"You know what I hate. I hate that you don't remember the things you said to me." Lance flinched," Honestly, I don't want to know...if I hurt you, they aren't true. I'm just dumb and stupid sometimes and-" Keith shook his head,"You really truly honestly don't remember." Lance shook his head numbly,"N-No. Why?" Keith turned his body to face Lance and rested his elbow on the couch as he propped his cheek up with his fist,"You told me all the things you counted down of what you hated me was what you actually loved about me." Lance's eyes widened and his lips parted breathlessly like the air was knocked out of him,"W-What?!" Keith turned his head into his hand and covered his eyes and red cheeks,"Then you kissed me and added two more reasons why you loved me, the last one was that you could go on forever and kissed me again then went to sleep." Lance let out a strangled squeak and Keith realized his face was a burning hot red,"I-I did?" He croaked out. Keith nodded and Lance collapsed on his chest, covering his face in his hands and letting out a muffled scream. Keith briefly put his hand over Lance's bicep then Lance looked up. "Keith..I-" Keith muffled out a chuckle,"I know, I know. You didn't mean any of it, which is.....fine. I guess. I don't even know. As much as I wish....no. You were drunk and not thinking-"

"Hold up! Just because I was drunk and not thinking straight because with you there I sure as hell wasn't, doesn't mean I didn't mean it!" Keith's eyes widened and his cheeks blossomed,"Wha-" Lance cut him off with his finger and clutched the baby blue blanket,eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed in embarrassment with bright red cheeks,"Give me a sec, o-okay?! I'm trying to confess my undying love." Keith did a double-take at that,"Your what-" 

"KEITH! Let me speak, you-"

"Hold on, hold on. Your undying lov-"

Lance rolled his eyes and cupped his cheeks and leaned in close enough they were only centi-meters away,"Keith just let me say I love you and kiss me!" 

He did.

Thank you for the request! Next is Leakira!

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