Florist Keith x Tattoo Artist Lance

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Lance just wanted a reference.

He got a super smoking hot/cute/pretty/literally everything amazing boyfriend.

Here's how it goes.

Lance worked at the Blue Leon. And it was a work of trash. Literal trash. It was old and rundown and Lance chased rats out so many times during his lunch it wasn't funny. He started eating across the street at the Starbucks and wasting money on lattes. A bunch of lattes. Barely anybody came by but when they did, Lance made sure to be the best tattoo artist ever. He had a friend, Allura, that wanted to get a tattoo. Not like it was her first. Allura always helped him and told him this time she wanted it to be moth orchids.

The fuck?

Lance had no idea what the fuck she was talking about. And recently, across the street a new florist shop opened up and Lance decided just to check it out instead of just looking it up. Besides, it looked reaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllly nice. Flowers hung from the windowsills and the glass doors were gorgeous and light red painted walls with mural art unlike any he had seen before. It's name was Marmora, which was really fucking cool.

So he decided to go in. 

Best mistake of his life.

It was empty, but he could hear shoes walking in the back and classical music playing. He breathed it in and felt himself smile. It was...nice. Different than the horrible run down tattoo place he had. Should he remodel it? Where would he get the money? What would he do? Oh lord, please give him a sig-

Suddenly, the most gorgeous boy walked out in a black flowing shirt and dark rusty brown that looked so good on him and fit him loose in the best parts and comfy and snug on the other best parts. He was not too short, just  a tiny bit shorter. Tousled black hair swooped down in different ways and ends that looked perfect and long lashes watched the flowers with a small expression on his face. Oh man, his face. Small pink lips and rosy cheeks with the paleness of a lily. He looked like a lily. He wasn't clean, but hard-working as you could tell and not afraid to get dirty. Lance ran a hand through his plain brown hair and felt an ocean of heat engulf his face.

He was really pretty.

The guy looked up slowly and suddenly, Lance's vision was filled to the brim with flowers and the classical music played louder in his ears, possibly trying to hide his thumping heart. His lidded eyes opened slightly and all Lance saw was purple. No, violet.

Oh no. 

He was gonna fuck this up, wasn't he?


When Keith saw the guy, the first thing he though of was...

Well, it was blank.

That much was certain on his face. The guy was handsome, stunning, and just beautiful really. Messy chestnut brown hair and sun-bronzed skin that made it look like he's worked in a garden before, or at least a field. Gorgeous deep azure blue eyes and a nostril stud piercing to match with a blue gem. Keith probably looked stupid compared to this guy.

Keith walked to the counter, trying to handle the pot he held in his hands. It was kinda big and heavy, but he could manage. He looked up, and man he felt stupid. He was cuter up close. He hoped he wouldn't be awkward,and so he managed a small smile"Do you need something?" The guy didn't answer for a few seconds. Just stared with his lips parting in..shock?


He smiled.

He looked so soft and his eyebrows twisted up slightly and the corner on his lips quirked up shyly. A smudge of dirt just made him more beautiful. Lance's lips parted in silence and awe. Stunning. Breathtaking. These flowers around them were nothing. His long lashes blinked and Lance was taken out of his trance,"Uhm." He said, intelligently. "Moth orchids. Yeah. I need moth orchids." Lance felt his tongue coming back and-crap. Here it comes.

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