Chapter 15

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Elias was leaning heavily against the glass door of his office as he distantly heard his mother rambling on. His attention failed to settle solely on Thalia Jilani as it was trained on his father.

The older man in question was sitting on one of the guest chairs in Elias' office with his head cradled in his head as he suppressed the urge to groan. The alpha was rubbing soothing circles onto his temples in hopes of willing the vastly intensifying headache away.

This scene had become quite the routine in their lives. His father would passively listen as his mother found something to complain about and Elias would think of ways he could kick them out of his office so he could get back to work.

"I don't know where we went wrong with you." His absent attention failed to miss the dejectedly muttered words.

His mother had been intruding on his peaceful Saturday for more than an hour now, and the latter couldn't wait until she went out the very door she entered through.

Thalia was upset about Elias' sudden departure from the theatre many nights ago. While the woman was not entirely in the wrong, her insufferable comments had made the evening unbearable for the young man.

"You were so loved, so cherished as a kid. We gave you everything you wanted, and this is how you treat me?" The lady absently continued. "Leaving me all alone in a crowded theatre at night and refusing to answer any of my or your father's calls? You've gotten out of hand."

Elias didn't respond. He knew that if he did, there would be no stopping the onslaught of ugly curse words and crude insults directed at his parents. He was too raw from his recent heartbreak to deal with his psychotic mother and pussy of a father.

A low growl rumbled in his throat as he once again directed his attention to the man. God, he couldn't believe how weak the man was. His lack of backbone was unnerving given just how respected the man was.

He hated his father for having enabled Thalia's gross behavior ever since he was a child. He could count each instance where he'd needed his father's support after his mother had broken his heart over silly things. He hated his father for being emotionally absent for most of his childhood.

Thalia, annoyed by the lack of response from either her son or mate, angrily looked up. "Gabriele! Aren't you going to say anything?"

Gabriele Jilani sighed, then rubbed his palms over his face and tiredly looked at his son, "Apologize to your mother, Elias."

No effort to understand the situation. No questions on why Elias had fled the way he had. No concern for how sickly Elias looked, on why his voice wavered each time he spoke, why he never went home to his mates anymore. Just a command to diffuse the situation. To tame his banshee of a mate and to silence his hurting son.

With onyx eyes flaming from the suppressed rage, Elias sharply looked at his mother, "I'm sorry... mother." he bit out.

It took everything in him to not flung his clenched fists at his mother's smug face, and to place a tight smile on his face instead, "I'll take you out to dinner sometime, to make up."

The petite woman shook her head and crossed her arms, "That Levy boy has gotten to your head."

Everything came crashing down on him. It felt like boiling water was dumped on his head as pure, unadulterated rage swept over him. Oh, she did not just fucking go there.

"Fuck!" Elias spits out, "Don't you dare bring Skyler into this."

He'd tried to be civil, he really did... yet he'd failed.

"He's a delta, what did you expect?" His mother's voice started to rise at the same time his father flung to his feet.

Her outdated views on the importance of pack ranks had been a huge obstacle at the very beginning of their relationship. Thalia hadn't appreciated their pure bloodline and their respected name had been tainted with the presence of a delta in their family. She hadn't missed an opportunity to taunt the boy at every chance she got.

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