Chapter 10

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The large, empty suitcase was flung on the bed as aggressive hands hastily unzipped it, the large limbs struggling over their incessant shaking.

Elias walked over to their shared closet, mind filled with jumbled thoughts, he grabbed whatever article of clothing that was within his reach.

His sensitive ears could pick up on the three rapid heartbeats pounding against the walls of ribs before them, from the other side of the locked door of their room. His own aggressively pumping heart was aching from the occasional sniffles from Bennett and Skyler.

Though not crying, he could feel Felix's own pain rattling the string of their bond. He wanted nothing more than to open the door and comfort his mates, however, the wound of betrayal was still fresh and bleeding. He couldn't shelter others' feelings before he could tend to his own hurt ones.

Elias was leaving. Not for good, but at least until he could look into the eyes of his lovers, and not feel an overwhelming avalanche of self-loathing. Until he could be in the presence of the three people that he valued the most, without feeling out of place and just wrong.

And if he couldn't ever again, then he wouldn't return. The mated life had introduced him with the three most precious men to have ever walked this earth, though it had come with a price that left his share of the soul with scars to match Harper's.

"I told you. I fucking told you." Bennett's muffled voice evaded his ears, the tear-clogged tone was heart-wrenching as the blonde boy was slowly succumbing into hysteria.

Small hands pounded harshly on the door, trying to get the hurting man's attention, "Eli- Eli please- I didn't- I didn't know- Fucking get off of me!"

The said man shut his onyx eyes tightly, he couldn't bear hearing the raw anguish in his mate's voice. The shuddering breaths, the occasional hiccups, and the anger rolling off of Bennett in waves were too much for Elias.

Meanwhile, Felix was trying to remove a certain boy away from the door, "Ben-" though his calm voice was dimmed as a stinging slap landed on his cheek.

"No. Fuck you! He's leaving me because of you." Bennett had no idea what he was saying. He was desperate. Desperate to keep his mate from leaving. Desperate to make everything right again.

Not bothering to spare his shocked mate a glance, he turned back to the door, ready to scream at Elias for him to just let him in so they could talk when the door opened.

The onyx-eyed man's chiseled face was blank, strong features dropped, and his usual scowl or mischievous smirk missing. The only indication of his perfectly contained, for the time being, anger, was his straight posture. Head held high and shoulders pushed back, the man was tense.

Bennett fell into a sobbing fit as soon as he was met with his mate's dismissal, clinging to the taller man in order to get some type of response out of him, while blubbering things about how much they all loved him and incessant apologies, that Elias simply pushed through.

As he was about to leave, Felix spoke up, "Elias you're not leaving until we fix this."

The messily packed suitcase was thrown on the ground as Elias angrily turned around. Felix had broken the dam and Elias was ready to let his anger erupt and drown all of them.

"Fix what exactly?" He started, "The lack of respect you have for me? Or the absolute joke you make out of our relationship? Or the constant conversations about how unstable I am, and how you couldn't tell me because 'I'd react poorly" he mocked.

"Congratu- fucking- lations Felix, because you've somehow found a way to make me the villain again." Elias' tone was increasing in octaves and his mates were growing anxious, "You've always treated me like I'm some fucking crazy monster rather than your mate, and I'm tired- so fucking tired."

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