Chapter 4

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With blue eyes staring at themselves from the reflection of the large mirror, Felix absentmindedly redid his tie. His jaw was clenching tighter as he tried to will away the anxiety creeping up his bones, leaving unwelcome trails of goosebumps behind.

He was going to meet his fourth mate, the human. The one that would give him headaches until everything settled for good. Or if. If  everything would settle for good. The uncertainty if gave was comforting as it would hurt less later on, because he had no idea how things would progress with the one he'd meet today.

His eyes strayed a little to the side of the mirror, landing on a sprawled out Bennett on their large bed. The boy was furiously typing on his phone and with his furrowed blonde brows, a snarl on his pink lips, and the crease between his brows deepening, Felix guessed his mate was arguing with someone on Twitter.

Chuckling, he went over to the angry boy and managed to kiss his reddened forehead before he was hastily pushed away. "Ugh, Felix! Move your big head, I can't see." At the offended look from his mate, Bennett rolled his blue eyes, "I can't lose to this idiot, you must understand." He sent him a kiss and continued his furious typing.

Raising his hands in surrender Felix started, "Okay okay. I just need you to know that I'm picking Skyler up today, and we're going to spend some time later on."

Bennett perked up at the mention of his mate but didn't acknowledge Felix any further than a slight hm. Kissing him on his lips the last time Felix left their room.

Once in the kitchen he began packing the lunch he'd prepared the night before. Elias was on his tablet, leisurely scrolling down the news article he was reading.

If there was one thing Elias wasn't, it was a morning person. The boy was extra moody and irritable from the moment he'd wake up until he was able to have his lunch. Despite his foul mood at so early into the day he managed to wish his mate a happy morning with his rasped voice. The way his mate's already deep voice dropping in octaves in the mornings was something Felix greatly appreciated, it was so damn attractive for reasons unknown to him.

"Good morning, love."

"You're spending time with Sky today?" The slight sulkiness in his tone was hidden just enough for Felix not to question him.

Elias was not one to get jealous of his mates, however, due to his occupation with work he'd barely been able to spend one on one time with them. The man also had an unhealthy habit of isolating himself when upset which he was absolutely miserable at work.

As ashamed as he was to admit to himself that he felt like he was being excluded, he couldn't control the voices in his head that were convincing him that his mates were glad he was caught up with whatever the hell he was doing.

The slight distaste in his voice was also fueled by something even he himself wasn't aware of. His emotional fragility and vulnerability wanted to keep Felix handcuffed to his side. The older male was his safe space, and no matter how much he loved them, that sense of security wasn't something he'd been able to achieve with skyler nor Bennett. Most likely because he felt like he had to be the strong one when with them, although the two would be more than willing to be there for their mate. To protect him and assure him that he'd be okay.

The insecurities plaguing his mind filled him to the brim with guilt, so he straightened his back and shooed the thoughts away.

"Yes, I'm taking him out to eat after his classes." Smiling brilliantly, "Maybe we can do that together sometime?"

Elated with the offer yet choosing not to express it, Elias nodded. Felix picked his lunch box off the counter and kissed his mate's raven hair, nuzzling his neck for a moment before he left their home.

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