Chapter 9 - Harpers Isle

Start from the beginning

Alcohol is an ugly thing; the way it controls men. She thought as the Captain came closer to the wheel. When he was a few feet from her she could smell the stink of it on him and felt sick.

"What are your orders Cap'n?" Thomas asked.

"I'm tempted to say blow them both to hell." He snarled like a child whose fun had been interrupted and his words slower than normal. Thomas gave him a steady look that showed he did not like the Captains drunken plan. "We go around." He said with a deep sigh. "We'll make port away from them and take the longboats ashore."

Thomas nodded in agreement and spun the wheel all the way to the right. The ship seemed to groan with the effort of changing course so suddenly, her sails filling with wind coming in from the north.

"What about the supplies?" Thomas asked as Captain Dustin pulled out a small spyglass and inspected the problem for himself. "We can't get everything we need on the long boats."

The captain cursed again louder this time and snapped shut his spyglass. "We have two options." He said his face very serious considering his state of mind. "We can get enough supplies to last us to the next port in Lapper..."

Sky did not think that was a good idea; Lapper was the next biggest island over and the closest to the mainland. It was about the same distance as Rendes to Harpers Isle only the seas were said to be much more treacherous and more heavily guarded by the Navy's forces. It was not a good place for pirates.

"Or," The Captain continued his eyes dark with a pent up glee. "We take down their commanding officers and simply use whatever resources they have on their ship. It'll save us some cash and we can just purchase whatever we need in Luckuss."

"Aye, and that way the men will have a chance to spend a night on land rather than getting whatever we can onto the long boats before leaving." Thomas sounded pleased by the notion of a 'night on land'.

The Captain gave him a wicked and knowing grin. "My thoughts exactly." Sky tried not to shiver with discuss at what they were planning to do to the 'commanding officers' of the Frigates. "Let's ask the men shall we?" He moved over to the railing above the main deck. "All in favour of sending a group to wipe out the bastards say 'AYE!'" The Captain called down to them. He was greeted with a chorus of yells. "Any say nay?" Sky bit her lip as silence met him. She desperately wanted to be heard but knew her voice held no power and she would likely be thrown back in the cells if she opposed.

The Captain turned back to his friend his smile dark and cruel. "Get a group together, find the least pissed men and tell them we head as soon as possible tomorrow."

"Aye sir." Thomas handed the wheel back to the captain and went to rally up the few men going. Sky looked at the man next to her. He didn't not acknowledge her at all as he leaned on the wooden wheel for support.

She moved away from him afraid she would do something she'd regret and jogged down the steps trying to get to the bow of the ship and as far away from him as possible. She sat with her back to the drunken pirates and tried to focus her thoughts.

If I can get on one of those long boats I might be able to make it ashore. From there all I have to do is get to the navy ships before the pirates and warn them. Easy. Sky planted her face in her hands and tried to hold back the scream of frustration in her throat. She did not know how she could pull this off. In fact she doubted she could and despair threatened to conquer her. She could not let these monsters kill any more men, not if there was a chance, even a sliver of hope, that she could stop them.

Looking over her shoulder she saw that there were six men who were up on the poop deck with the Captain. Amongst them were Thomas and Mr. Rogue both were the only ones not swaying on their feet. A plan came to Sky and she hoped she could pull it off; it would be much harder than last time as she did not doubt the Captain knew the faces of all his men. All she could hope was that he would be rather hungover tomorrow and would not notice if one of his men looked more feminine than normal.

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