I'm Finally Free

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I love him so much. I want to be with him forever. Thinking about that made me cry a little. "Hey, what's wrong?" I turn around to him and give him a kiss. "I'm just happy I'm with you." He blushes and gives me a passionate kiss.


It was 6 in the morning and I was just opening my eyes. Laying on my chest was a little curled up Hinata. I kiss his head for him to wake up, but he was still sleeping. I kiss him all over his face and soon he opens his eyes. I see his little smile and hear his little giggle that always made my day. "Good morning my sunshine." "Good morning."

He curls up in my chest trying to go back to sleep, but I don't let him. "Tobio! Let me sleep!" I laugh at his little temper tantrum he was having. "We have to get up for online school." I hear him groan and I pull him up on my chest. "Five more minutes." He smiles and lays down on my chest. I set my alarm for 5 minutes. Then we go back to sleep.


I was woken up by Kageyama's alarm. I was trying to reach it, but I couldn't get close enough to it. I got up and sat on the edge of the bed. I grabbed the phone and turned the alarm off. Since my therapy started my legs have been moving better now. I can't walk, but I've been trying to. I decided to try on my own.

I got off up off the bed holding onto the dresser. Soon I took one step. I surprised myself. I took another step and I fell. I tried to get up, but I couldn't stand. Kageyama saw me and quickly jumped up. "Hinata, what were you doing?" "I was trying to walk." He picked me up bridal style and sat me in the bed. "I just don't want you to get hurt, ok? I love you." He gives me a kiss. "I love you to."


Me and Natsu was heading to town to grab my suit for prom. I haven't asked Hinata to prom yet, but I was planning on asking him today. I was planning a picnic in the park. Hinata said he always wanted to have one of those, so that's what the fate is going it be about. Then I was going to ask him right there. Me and Natsu finally make it to the suit shop to pick up my suit. We go in and I sign my name waiting on the lady to bring back my suit.

Natsu wanted to get out my arms, so I put her down and she went around looking at different things. "Ok Mr. Kageyama here is your suit." I grab my suit from the lady and thanked her. Natsu jumped back in my arms and we went back to the car. "Want some ice cream?" She nodded her head and went to play in her IPad. I promised her that we get ice cream once we finish what we were doing.


Me and Miwa were at the house trying to pick out an outfit for my date with Kageyama. He said that he was taking me on a picnic. I always wanted to go on a picnic date. It going to be super fun. I found a white skirt and a lavender top. I think I'm going to wear this. I'll also put my white Air Forces on with it. "That seems perfect Hinata." I got out my wheelchair and sat on the bed. I changed my clothes and sat back in my wheelchair.

"Hinata do you want to try to walk around." I nod and she grabs the belt. She wraps it around my waist and helps me get up. I take a few steps then I feel like I want to walk by myself. "Hey, can I try by myself." She let's go of the belt and I take a step. I didn't fall. Then I took another. I didn't fall again. I took some more steps and soon I was walking around by myself. "Hinata, your walking!" I was so happy. I was crying. "Now you can tell Kageyama." I didn't want to tell him until the night of prom. Actually I'm going to surprise him.


Me and Hinata were heading to the park for our picnic date. Miwa kept Natsu. She wanted to go, but she had to stay. She started crying and I almost gave in, but Hinata told her no. Which was surprising. He really never said no to her. Soon we make it to the park. I get out and set everything up then I get him out the car. I roll him over to the set up and I grab him off his wheelchair and sit him on the blanket. "This is beautiful Tobio." I gave him a kiss on the lips. "I'm glad you like it."

We talked and ate food and snacks until it was time to reveal my surprise. I came out with a box. It kind of looked like a jewelry box, but it wasn't. He opened the box and he gasped when he saw what was inside. It was pictures of us. All the memories that we made and all the pictures that we took. Even the crazy ones. Then he saw the words and started tearing up. Not going to lie I was tearing up myself. Man all we do it cry. "Yes, I'll go to prom with you." I give him a hug and a big kiss. This is going to be the best night.


I was getting ready in Miwa's room. She was curling my hair while I was doing my makeup. She has taught me how to do my makeup better, so I have gotten a lot better than last time. Then it was time for me to get in my dress. It was a red puffy dress. I was also wearing some slightly tall heels with it because I'm just now learning how to walk again. After I slip in my dress I look at myself in the mirror. "You look beautiful Hinata." I gave Miwa a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

I headed downstairs hanging on to things because my legs were still a bit wobbly. As soon as I walked down Kageyama saw me and he was shocked. He started crying and I gave him a hug. "Y-Your walking." His sobs were so loud. I guess he was super happy. I look him in the face and give him a passionate kiss. We soon headed to prom. We saw the team and they were super excited to see me and see me walking.

We were there for hours. Dancing, singing, eating, and hanging out with our friends. I love these moments. I wanted it to be like this forever. I'm so happy. I'm Finally Free and that's how it will always be. I have Natsu, Miwa, my team and especially Kageyama. All my problems have faded away and I don't have to worry about them no more. I will never forget who saved me. Tobio Kageyama came into my life and set me free from my troubles. He is my everything.


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