Chapter 18

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~ Ember

I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling

"I miss my mother."

Suddenly I remember our deal.

'We still have 2-3 days left.'

"What's wrong with me?I should have been focused on our deal instead of......."

I trail off.

"That's an affect of his mark."

Elena says.She steps into my room.Without thinking I snap at her.

"Don't you have something else to do?"

Tears form at the brim of her eyes.


I roll my eyes and slap her.

"Like go get pregnant?"

"E-Ember,calm down y-your yelling."

"So!Who cares?Today's obviously national sex day!GOD DAMN ALL OF YOU!"

"Y-you'll regret hitting me!"

Elena runs out crying.

I stand up,take off my shoes and get my weapon from in the mattress.I open the window and a soft breeze fills the room.The scent of rain fills my nose.The water droplets reflect the moonlight.As I walk through the shadow-filled forest,I run my hands through the wet and tall grass.I suddenly feel relaxed.The moonlight makes my silver eyes.It starts to drizzle.I seemy house in the distance.I begin to run.When I get to my house I knock on he door.Sarah opens it.

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