Chapter 10

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~ Ember


I put a pillow over my head.

"Shut up stupid crows."

They continue to caw.So I decide to get up.I look around me and realize that I'm no longer with prince charming.I"M IN MY ROOM?How did I get here?

"What's today?"

I walk over to my calender.Todays...March 28.Shoot I have school today.Oh yeah it's Wills b-day.I miss him annoying me.I look at the time.7:20.I decide to by him something.I get dressed get my money and head off to the store.(30 minutes later.)I walk out the store with a small bag.I bought him some thing that I wanted made in a specific way so it took 25 minutes more than I thought.I rush home get my the rest of my school items.Then I head to Amber's house.I stand on her drive way.She comes out her house and walks the end of her driveway.

"Ember?Is that you?"

I nod.She runs towards me and squeezes the life out of me.

"I thought you died.Where were you?"She asks.

"I-"Then a voice interrupts me.

"Tell her the truth and I will rip your tongue out."

"I was in the dorms."I lie.

Amber doesn't look convinced.

"Ember don't lie to me."

I want to cry,but I hear the bus coming.So I plaster a smile.The bus stops at the end of her driveway and we get on the bus.I go to the back of the bus and sit by the window.I stare out the window at the quickly passing houses,and trees.The bus pulls up to the school and we get off.

"So,do you have any plans after school today?"

I wait for the voice to pop up in my head again but it didn't.So I aid,


Amber smiled.

"Great then I'll see you after school in area 1!"That's secret code for us.Will I tell you?No.

Author here:Cause she don't want you to tell Draven!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Okay back to the story.

Amber goes to her first period and I go to my first period.Second period was okay,and my favorite 3rd period!


Since Will is popular in almost every way possible,even the lunch people do something special.

Today they were handing out sweets,and gift cards with $75 on them.Sweet!I get my lunch,desert,gift card and I find a seat next to William.

"Hey Will!"

He jumped and turned around.

"Happy B-day!"He blinked.

"Let me guess,you get me a punch."He says with great disappointment in his voice.

I laughed."No silly.I got you this." I pull a small bag from my pocket and Will's hand go up to protect his face.

I put my hand on his cheeck."It's okay."I put the bag on his lap.He uncovers his face and looks at me.I give him a smile.He looks at the bag and opens it.His eyes widen when he sees whats in side.

"A watch!Cool.Woah,there's a black dragon!Thank you Ember."

I smile and tears fall down my cheecks.

"Ember what's wrong?"

You look ugly!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Jk guys.Back.To.Story

"I missed you.That's all!"I say.I mean it.

"You did?"

"Yes,I did stupid."I ruffle his hair.

"Hey!That was uncalled for!"

I laugh.Then I kiss him.

"Well,I have to go to 3rd period!Bye!"I say.

William sits their like a deer in head lights.

"Ember,what was that for?"

"You look kinda cute."I say."Bye!"


Author : Should I ship Ember and Will?Comment!Love you guys!Till next chapter.

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