Chapter 2

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~ Draven

I watch as Ember runs down the halls towards her.............math class?I turn around and walk outside.I see fog start to take form.I roll my eyes."Sir Draven,Alpha Matthew would like to see you!NOW!"Says Luke.He goes around delivering messages.I lean on the brick wall."Really?Well,I'm not allowed to leave school until the bell r-"

Then I hear the loud bell.'Ring'Luke laughs."Well see you later!I'll tell him the message."I grit my teeth."You better,other wise you'll be minus a few organ and a tongue!"Luke whimpers and disappears.

I find a bench and lay on it. 

So what are we going to do about the little doll in the room?My wolf asked.

Who? I ask

'Ember!She's not a elephant but her friend is!Are we still going to do it or are you going to be the chicken you are?'

I rolled my eyes.


I stand up and stretch.I feel someone watching me I turn around but see no one.

Hey grey do you see something?I ask my wolf

Watch what you call me!Less you don't want your throat.I see Ember and her friend hiding between trees.

I turn and hear a squeak.Then I see 2 figures running.One runs to the back of the school and the other into the forest.

Why not?I need the exercise anyway.Plus there is little light since the trees are so close together.My wolf suggest.

"Fine."I shift.I have grey-ish silver fur and my eyes change colors according to my mood.

My wolf stretches."I have not been out for the last century!"I roll my eyes.

"You can run all you want,but I will find you my little doll!"My wolf and I say.

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