ʚɞ Fifteen - The moment chooses you ʚɞ

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It had been seven and a half months.

Seven and a half months since Robotnik was pushed through a portal and stranded on The Mushroom Planet. Seven and a half months since The Wachowski family met a strange blue hedgehog named Sonic and allowed him to join the family.

Today was a normal day for Alex. She jogged down the stairs, smiling as Ashley texted her the time to meet up that afternoon.

"Hey, teenage curls," Maddie chuckled.

"Mom, I think Sonic should stick to the nicknames," Alex smiled. "Besides, my 13th birthday was five months ago."

"I still can't believe you're a teenager," Maddie sighed with a smile.

"Neither can I, to be honest," Alex admitted.

A small thump came from upstairs, making Alex have to hide her cheeky smirk. "Sonic's up, by the sounds of it."

"Speaking of which, Tom is waiting for you both by the river," Maddie said, picking up a basket of washing. "Should I go remind Sonic?"

"I think so," Alex nodded. "Despite how much that hedgehog claims he remembers, he sometimes forgets. Too much on his mind, I suppose."

"Well, hopefully some fishing with your dad will clear his mind," Maddie said, beginning to make her way to Sonic's room.

"Ozzy," Alex called out, whistling the dog over from where he was drinking some water. "Go get Sonic, go get Sonic."

The dog followed Maddie up the stairs, his tail wagging.


"Thanks for coming out, bud," Tom smiled. "You know, I fell like we haven't had much time together, lately. How are you over there? Got any bites?"

When Sonic didn't answer, Alex noticed that Sonic had dozed off, snoring and drooling a little. A jolt from the boat sent the sleeping hedgehog into the water, waking up and making the hedgehog panic.

"I can't swim!" Sonic cried out, trying to stay above the water. "If I die, don't look in my closet!"

Tom quickly fished Sonic out of the water while Alex brought over a blanket, quickly wrapping it around the shivering blue hedgehog.

"Did you get enough sleep last night?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, tons," Sonic replied.

"Really?" Alex asked, giving Sonic a look. "Because I went into your room last night to give you some comics that Ash said you could borrow and I found multiple things... but not you. Just a very odd replica of you making weird fart noises."

Sonic sighed, "I knew I should've used real facts."

Tom then placed down a newspaper. The headline read MAYHEM IN SEATTLE.

"How many times are we going to do this?" Tom asked.

"What? Throw your line and not catch anything?" Sonic asked, a cheeky smirk on his face. "I think a billion."

Alex bit her lower lip to try and stop herself from laughing.

"I think you know what I'm talking about," Tom replied. "The lying, the sneaking out, pretending to be Batman."

"Blue Justice, trademark pending," Sonic announced with a cheeky smile.

"Whatever. You're being reckless," Tom said.

Sonic let out an irritated sigh, "Not this conversation again."

"Hey, it's no fun for me either, but if you keep being irresponsible, we're gonna keep having this conversation," Tom replied.

"How was it irresponsible to use my powers?" Sonic asked.

"Sonic, you destroyed an entire city block," Alex replied, pointing out the line in the newspaper that said that. "Not to mention you tore apart a police truck which will cost over a million dollars to repair, all together."

"The block was already messed up, who cares?" Sonic replied, getting into a superhero stance. "Look, I stopped a robbery. I was a hero."

"Heroes don't put people in danger," Alex replied. "Have you ever read a comic where The Flash chooses to stop the bad guy and not rescue the captors? Or one where Superman decides to defeat Lex Luthor and leave Lois Lane hanging for her life?"

"Alex is right, Sonic," Tom nodded. "You put people in danger and that's not what a hero does."

Sonic turned to face the pair, his smile no longer on his face, "You're supposed to be my friends. Stop trying to be my dad or a big sister."

"That would be kind of impossible, seeing as I'm younger than you," Alex pointed out.

"All I'm saying is that I can take care of myself," Sonic replied.

"Sonic, taking care of yourself is not what being a hero is all about," Tom explained. "It's about taking responsibility for other people. And right now, whether you want to hear this or not, you are still just a kid. You've got some more growing up to do before you're ready to be the big hero. Trust me when I tell you there will come a time when your powers will be needed. But you don't choose that moment. That moment chooses you."

"Woah, look at you, I-I just got goosebumps," Sonic gasped. "Wait a second, did you steal that from Oprah?"

"No sir, that's a Wachowski family special," Tom smiled. "My dad, in this very boat, on this very same lake. Would always try to steer me in the right direction."

"And Dad told me that," Alex replied. "Took me here to this river when I was ten, told me the exact same thing."

"That's what Maddie and I are always trying to do with you two. Steer you in the right direction," Tom pointed out. "So Sonic, until your moment arrives, how about you work on being a little bit more responsible. Comprende?"

"Comprende," Sonic smiled. "High five on it?"

Alex already had her hand raised, Tom was a little slower. Nevertheless, Sonic high-fived the pair.

"Yeah!" Sonic cheered. "Donut Lord, Curly Tree and The Blue Blur are back at it again!"

Alex's watch started beeping, making her look down. "Ashley will be waiting for us at the dock now."

"Hold onto your lines!" Sonic announced, spinning around to the end of the boat. Kicking quickly, the boat began speeding towards the dock.

Alex cheered in excitement, "This is like those water rides!"

However, Tom wasn't as impressed. "SONIC!"

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