ʚɞ Seven - Howdy! ʚɞ

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Tom and Alex enter the biker bar, quickly looking around for Sonic. Tom spots Sonic first, who's sitting at a table and wearing a cowboy hat, sunglasses, and a red shirt.

Tom walks over and taps Sonic on the shoulder, who turns around and tips his hat to Tom and Alex, who both had disappointed looks on their face.

"Howdy, partner!" Sonic greeted them.

"I'm not your partner," Tom replied. "Come on. We're leaving."

"But there's a ZZ Top cover band," Sonic exclaimed excitedly. "You gotta see their beards."

"You're gonna have to catch 'em some other time," Tom replied. "Let's go! Get up!"

"If we stay, I promise I won't say another word for the rest of the trip, starting... now!" Sonic quickly announced.

A waitress walks over to Tom, Alex and Sonic. "Welcome to the Piston Pit. What can I get you lot?"

"Ooh! I want nachos and buffalo wings. Oh, and guac," Sonic answered, either ignoring or not noticing the looks Tom and Alex were giving him to try and keep him quiet. "Funny word isn't it? Guac, guac! Guuaaac!"

"Hey, no kids allowed in here. What's he got on, some kind of mask?" the waitress asked.

"Oh! He- he's actually 43 years old and suffers from a very rare skin disease that stunts his growth and makes him look... like-like that," Tom quickly came up with an excuse.

"The face, I was born with," Sonic announced confidently. "The confidence, I picked up along the way."

"Make his a Mello Yellow, please," Tom said to the waitress. "And get us a glass of water."

"Okay," the waitress nodded.

"How come I can't have a Coke?" Alex asked.

"I doubt they sell that here," Tom replied. "There's a Coke in the truck that you can have later."

Alex nodded as she sat down, smiling.

Tom then turned to Sonic as he sat down, "You owe me one."

"I never sat on a barstool before! So squishy! Oh, look at this, it spins!" Sonic begins to spin around on the barstool very quickly. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wha-ha-ha-ha! I feel sick."

"Are you having fun? Gonna check this off the ol' bucket list, huh?" Tom chuckled. "Big night for you."

"What's a bucket list?" Sonic asked.

"A bucket list is, uh, it's a list of things you want to do in your life before you, well, kick the bucket," Tom answered.

"I've never kicked a bucket either! Oh, I gotta make my list!" Sonic speeds off and grabs a pen and pad before coming back to the table, where he begins writing down his list. "Uh-huh! Mm-hmm! Oh, Sonic! Ha-ha! Uh-huh!" However, he slowly stops writing and his smile disappears. 

Alex is the first to notice Sonic's upset looks, "What's wrong?"

"There's so much stuff I've never done," Sonic explained sadly. "And now that I'm leaving Earth forever, I guess I missed my chance."

Tom is silent, looking around the Piston Pit. "Well, I guess this is the kind of place you could get a lot of living done in a short period of time. I suppose we can spare an hour."

"What? You're gonna bucket list with me?" Sonic asked, the smile returning to his face.

"Sure, why not?" Tom shrugged.

"You won't regret this!" Sonic smiled.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I will," Tom muttered.

"I won't," Alex smiled. "Let's get started!"

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